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18 October 2023 17:00-19:30Mobile Interactions

Techgirl #sharedstories 🧡👩🏽‍💻

Are you the only female or non-binary individual in your class or one of the few women in your workplace? Unfortunately, you're not alone in facing this situation.

Presently, women constitute only 30% of the workforce in the tech industry. Moreover, it's well-known that many women opt to leave the IT sector. But what are the reasons behind this trend? And how does being a part of a minority impact you if you choose to remain in the industry?

In this event, our aim is to gain a deeper understanding by allowing three accomplished women to share their experiences and stories about their journey in the male-dominated tech field. Certain situations leave a lasting impact and shape our identities. As a woman working in tech, you're likely to resonate with many of the situations that will be shared. Additionally, if you happen to be a woman in a leadership position, this event may provide valuable insights into how your employees perceive various situations and circumstances.

During this exciting evening we will lisen to:
🔥 Anna Volby - founder of WeExist
🔥 Rand Amro -Tech lead & iOS software engineer at EasyPark Group 
🔥 Sabina Johansson - Trainer in IT Security
🔥 Josefine Hovmark Developer at PIRR

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Organized by

Mobile Interaction@mobileinteraction

Mobile Interaction has been experts in mobile experiences since 2002. We have a list of customers we are proud of, and we love to be a part of our customers innovation journeys. 

During recent years, Mobile Interaction has taken on a more active role in the TechEQ initiative because diversity and gender equality is of great importance to us. We believe that a diverse workplace will make us both perform and feel better, and that it also will help us build better and more inclusive products.


TechEq is a unique initiative with aim of bringing technology companies together to actively improve gender equality within the tech-industry. What has been done? What has not been done? How do we want the future to look like? Together we can learn from each other and share our experiences. When it comes to gender equality, we are not competitors.

TechEq is a network initiated by MTGx, Netlight, Tieto and Tritech (Now Prevas) with the aim of influencing the entire tech industry. Today there are several companies engaged to mutually drive the initiative. All participating organizations share the responsibility of pursuing the initiative.

More about the speakers 🧡

Anna Volby
Founder WeExist

Anna Volby, self-dubbed the "Changemaker in tech," proudly holds the titles of CEO and founder at We Exist. Her unwavering mission? To act as the bridge that connects women with conscientious, vibrant companies where they not only envision themselves working but also aspire to remain. The challenges are clear - companies face difficulty in not only locating women but also in cultivating an inclusive, equitable work environment. 

Enter We Exist, poised to address this disconnect.During her presentation, Anna Volby will provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of the tech industry, shedding light on the equality data derived from tech companies. More importantly, she will elaborate on how We Exist is actively contributing to the transformation of companies into better workplaces and more appealing employers. It's a discussion that explores the industry's landscape, confronts the pressing issues of equality, and demonstrates how We Exist is making significant strides in effecting positive change.

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Rand Amro
Tech lead & iOS software engineer at EasyPark Group

They say experience is the best teacher, and in the world of tech, Rand has certainly had their share of it. As a tech lead and iOS software engineer within the Easypark Group, she navigated multiple roles throughout their tenure. 

Her journey with Easypark began as an iOS software engineer, followed by a transition into an Agile coach, a return to the role of a software engineer, and finally, assuming the mantle of tech lead for their team. Prior to this, her career path included several years as a full stack developer and mobile developer across various companies in Palestine.In her upcoming presentation, Rand plans to share a rich tapestry of experiences from different marketplaces. They will explore how these experiences underwent transformation within a team that championed gender diversity, emphasizing the profound impact of such an inclusive environment.

Additionally, she is eager to delve into the topic of how each individual can actively contribute to driving meaningful change within the tech industry. It's a journey through the tech landscape, highlighting the significance of inclusivity, and offering insights into the roadmap for catalyzing positive transformations.

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Sabina Johansson
Trainer in IT Security

Sabinas’s journey into the realm of technology embarked upon by this individual commenced at the tender age of 10. A PDA was their inaugural tech gadget, subsequently evolving into a full-fledged computer. In an environment where even setting up a home network was a challenge for their non-tech-savvy parents, she embraced self-education, forging a path that now spans 13 years in the industry. 

Her odyssey ranges from humble beginnings as a 1-line support technician to becoming a technology influencer, notably sharing insights on IT security via LinkedIn, boasting a substantial following of over 16,000 enthusiasts.Notably, her journey has not gone unnoticed, as she earned an impressive 28 nominations for various IT awards, a testament to their contributions. However, her true passion lies in the dissemination of knowledge, a calling that extends beyond the confines of her professional life, aiming to potentially spark a new career path.Sabina intends to shed light on a spectrum of topics:

  • The experience of being a woman in the IT domain.
  • The inherent challenges that come with the territory.
  • The lurking threats of fraud and deception.
  • The positive outcomes that can be achieved through knowledge sharing and mutual support.
  • The unique journey of being self-taught.
  • The significance of psychology in the realm of IT.
  • The art of simplifying complex technology and the profound impact it can have.

This presentation is a testament to Sabina’s passion, experience, and commitment to making the tech world more accessible, inclusive, and comprehensible for all.

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Josefine Hovmark
Developer at PIRR | Ambassador at DataTjej

A former Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of a startup, Josefine is a dynamic and versatile developer with a track record of leading international development teams. With a rich background that spans both hands-on development and executive leadership, she has successfully navigated the intricacies of in-house and global IT teams using agile leadership methodologies. Notably, she holds the prestigious title of being a Certified Scrum Master, demonstrating their expertise in Agile project management, and has a wealth of startup experience under their belt.

Josefine’s skills extend to the art of constructing intricate backend systems and crafting interactive applications that captivate users. What sets them apart is not just their technical prowess but her extensive network within the women in tech community, where she serves as an Ambassador at DataTjej, connecting with and empowering fellow women in the tech world.She brings a wealth of knowledge and a proven track record of leadership and technical excellence to the table, making them a formidable force in the tech industry.

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All you need to know

Last day to sign up: October 17th

How to get here: Metro to Slussen or Mariatorget, around 6-7 min walk from the metro. 

The Agenda:

17:00: Mingle and drinks 
The event starts by an introduction speech 
  Anna Volby founder of WeExist 
Rand Amro -Tech lead & iOS software engineer at EasyPark Group
  mingle and drinks 
18:30: Sabina Johansson - Trainer in IT Security
18:50: Josefine Hovmark Developer at PIRR
mingle and drinks

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