2024 NYC Pride March Grand Marshal Nominations
NYC Pride is accepting Grand Marshal nominations for the 2024 Pride March through December 15, 2023. Our Grand Marshals represent hope, strength, perseverance and inspiration for the LGBTQIA+ community. In addition to being honored in the lead section of the march, they are NYC Pride's ambassadors throughout our events. They will be invited to attend as many pride events as they can, and they will participate in media interviews and present speeches in a number of pride events throughout the city.

We have FIVE Categories for our Grand Marshals for the 2024 Pride March, the category name and descriptions can be found below in Section 1 of this form. The NYC Pride March Committee will vote on nominees on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 to select the Top 3 nominees in each category. The slate of top picks will be taken to NYC Pride's General Membership for approval.

Thank you for your nomination, 
NYC Pride March
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