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NIH Applicant Assistance Program counteracts decades of underrepresentation in SBIR grant awardees

The NIH Applicant Assistance Program represents a new paradigm guiding the design of meaningful policy interventions for increasing equity of participation in scientific grant funding.

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Fig. 1: The Applicant Assistance Program enriches the NIH phase I SBIR awardee pool in historically underrepresented groups.
Fig. 2: Knowledge gain of AAP participants across the 16 knowledge areas relevant to NIH SBIR grant preparation and submission.
Fig. 3: Funding ontogeny for the 28 AAP participants who received NIH phase I SBIR awards during or before the year 2021 following their participation in the AAP.


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We acknowledge support from contract PIID 75N91019P00767 by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to administer the AAP from 23 September 2019 through 22 September 2024. We further acknowledge the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Development Center for creating the NIH AAP in 2019. We thank the POs at the NIH and the AAP coaches at Eva Garland Consulting who have contributed to and supported the program. Finally, we would like to thank the AAP participating companies for their participation in the program and their survey responses.

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Correspondence to Eva R. Garland.

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K.L.K., E.C.C., T.X. and E.R.G. are employed by Eva Garland Consulting, LLC. Eva Garland Consulting, LLC was awarded contract PIID 75N91019P00767 by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to administer the AAP from 23 September 2019 through 22 September 2024.

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Korunes, K.L., Cissell, E.C., Xie, T. et al. NIH Applicant Assistance Program counteracts decades of underrepresentation in SBIR grant awardees. Nat Biotechnol 42, 1151–1153 (2024).

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