
Panel discussion: The EU's AI ambitions

14 June 2024, 10:00 – 12:00 (CET)

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The extent to which we embrace Artificial Intelligence (AI) is likely to determine the EU’s future economic development. More than five years ago, the European Commission adopted a coordinated plan with the member states to scale up investment in AI and adapt the regulatory environment. The Parliament adopted the EU AI Act in March 2024.

What progress has the EU made in implementing AI policy?

We are inviting representatives of the EU institutions, the private sector to delve into the key findings of the ECA report on the EU’s AI ambitions and explore the future landscape of AI within the EU.

Contact: ​ [email protected]


Panel discussion: The EU's AI ambitions


Opening of the event
Mr Tony Murphy, President of the European Court of Auditors
- Introduction Mr Mr Mihails Kozlovs,

Member of the European Court of Auditors, dean Chamber IV

Panel discussion

Moderated by
Mr Mihails Kozlovs,
Member of the European Court of Auditors, dean Chamber IV
Mr Dragoș Tudorache,
Member of the European Parliament, Vice-President of the Renew Europe Group

Mr Pēteris Zilgalvis,
Judge at the General Court of the European Union

Ms Audrey Herblin-Stoop,
Head of Global Public Affairs & Communications Mistral AI

Ms Lucia Russo,
Artificial Intelligence Policy Analyst at the OECD

Mr Kilian Gross,
Head of Unit at the European Commission Artificial Intelligence Policy Development and Coordination (CNECT.A.2)


Q&A session

Moderated by
Mr Damijan Fišer,
European Court of Auditors

Mr Dragoș Tudorache,
Member of the European Parliament, Vice-President of the Renew Europe Group

Mr Pēteris Zilgalvis,
Judge at the General Court of the European Union

Ms Audrey Herblin-Stoop,
Head of Global Public Affairs & Communications Mistral AI

Mr Kilian Gross,
Head of Unit at the European Commission Artificial Intelligence Policy Development and Coordination (CNECT.A.2)

Ms Lucia Russo,
Artificial Intelligence Policy Analyst at the OECD

Mr Mihails Kozlovs,
Member of the European Court of Auditors, dean Chamber IV

Closing remarks Mr Mihails Kozlovs,
Member of the European Court of Auditors, dean Chamber IV


  • Dragoș Tudorache

    Dragoș Tudorache is a Member of the European Parliament and Vice-President of the Renew Europe Group. He is the LIBE rapporteur on the AI Act, and he sits on the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), the Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware (PEGA), the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE), and the European Parliament's Delegation for relations with the United States (D-US). He was the Chair of the Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Age (AIDA).

    Dragos began his career in 1997 as a judge in Romania. Between 2000 and 2005, he built and led the legal departments at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the UN missions in Kosovo. After working on justice and anticorruption at the European Commission Representation in Romania, supporting the country’s EU accession, he joined the Commission as an official and, subsequently, qualified for leadership roles in EU institutions, managing a number of units and strategic projects such as the Schengen Information System, Visa Information System, and the establishment of eu-LISA.

    During the European migration crisis, Dragos was entrusted with leading the coordination and strategy Unit in DG-Home, the European Commission Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs, until he joined the Romanian Government led by Dacian Cioloș. Between 2015 and 2017, he served as Head of the Prime Minister’s Chancellery, Minister of Communications and for the Digital Society, and Minister of Interior. He was elected to the European Parliament in 2019. His current interests in the European Parliament include security and defence, artificial intelligence and new technologies, transatlantic issues, the Republic of Moldova, and internal affairs.

  • Pēteris Zilgalvis

    Pēteris Zilgalvis is a Judge on the General Court of the European Union. He is a Member of its Management Board and of the Artificial Intelligence Management Board of the Court of Justice of the EU.

    Previously, he was the Head of Unit for Digital Innovation and Blockchain in the Digital Single Market Directorate in the European Commission and was the Co-Chair of the European Commission FinTech Task Force. He was the Visiting EU Fellow at St. Antony's College, University of Oxford and was an Associate of Political Economy of Financial Markets there. Before that he was Deputy Head of the Bioethics Department in DG Legal Affairs at the Council of Europe. Earlier, he was Senior Environmental Law Advisor to the World Bank/Russian Federation Environmental Management Project and was a Regional Environmental Specialist at the World Bank. His career started in the Latvian ministries of environment and foreign affairs. He completed his J.D. at the University of Southern California and his B.A. in Political Science Cum Laude at UCLA.

  • Audrey Herblin-Stoop

    Audrey Herblin-Stoop is Mistral AI's Head of Global Public Affairs and Communications. Prior to this role, she was Director of Public Affairs and External Communications for the Betclic group from January 2022, following her tenure as Head of Public Policy for France and Russia at Twitter for 7 years (2015-2022).

    She began her career at the French Business Confederation (Medef) in 2008 as Public Affairs Deputy Director, before joining TBWA\Corporate in 2012 as Account Director, where she led the public affairs division.

  • Killian Gross

    Since 16 of January 2020 Killian Gross is Head of Unit A/2 in DG CNECT responsible for policy development and coordination with regard to Artificial Intelligence in the EU. Based on the work of the High-Level Expert Group the Unit has drafted a White Paper on Artificial Intelligence, which presents the op-tions on how to promote the uptake of Artificial Intelligence and how to address at the same time the risks associated with certain uses of this new technology. Following a comprehen-sive public consultation in April 2021 the Unit proposed a legal framework aiming to address the risks generated by specific uses of AI. At the same time his Unit has updated the Coordi-nated Plan which supports the development and uptake of AI in the EU and searches to align national AI policies. The proposal for an AI-Act is currently finalised with the co-legislators i.e. the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers. In parallel, the Unit ensures the implementation of the Coordinated Plan on AI.

    Beside his work on AI, Kilian Gross lead the legal team, which has prepared and supported the negotiations of the proposal for a European Chips Act.

    Beforehand since November 2015 Kilian Gross was a member of the Cabinet of Commis-sioner Oettinger. Within the Cabinet, he was mainly responsible for the Commission anti-fraud policy, DG HR and at an earlier stage for various digital files. Kilian Gross has started his career in the Commission in the Legal Service followed by five years in DG ENER where he worked on energy policy and on legal matters.

  • Lucia Russo

    Lucia Russo is an economist and policy analyst in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) unit of the OECD Digital Economy Policy Division. As part of her work, she conducts analysis on national AI strategies, policies, and regulatory approaches. Before joining the OECD, Lucia worked as an economist at the Digital Economy and Skills Unit of the Directorate General CONNECT of the European Commission, where she designed policies for digital skills and led work on evaluating EU research programmes in the digital domain. Lucia holds a Master of Development Economics and a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Roma Tre.

  • Mihails Kozlovs

    Mihails Kozlovs is the Member of the European Court of Auditors (ECA), Dean of Chamber IV – “Regulation of Markets and competitive economy” and the reporting Member for the ECA special report EU Artificial intelligence ambition. – Stronger governance and increased, more focused investment essential going forward.

    Mr. Kozlovs has been a member of the European Court of Auditors since 2016. As well as overseeing the work of Chamber IV (“Regulation of Markets and competitive economy”) as dean for the last three years, he has also led audits and reviews on various topical EU issues. These topics include artificial intelligence, screening foreign direct investments in the EU, internal electricity market integration, ethical frameworks in the EU institutions, control of state aid to financial institutions, EU space assets, the EU budget and many more. For more than 20 years, Mr. Mihails Kozlovs has dedicated a significant portion of his career to European Union (EU affairs and international relations). He contributed to Latvia's accession to the EU and the euro area. He was also part of the team that helped to make Latvia's presidency of the Council of the EU a success story. His work encompassed various aspects, including economic, financial, and fiscal matters, as well as broader management responsibilities.
