Sandy Gold, wins back to back trials in Nassau County Supreme Court!

Aaronson Rappaport Of Counsel, Sandy Gold, recently obtained two defense verdicts in Nassau County Supreme Court.

In the first trial, the sole claim at issue was lack of informed consent. In this case, Plaintiff claimed that she was not informed that there was a risk of toe shortening following a toe fusion surgery to address a bunion and pain. Sandy argued that a reasonable person in plaintiff’s position would have agreed to the surgery given the plaintiff’s pain despite the risk of toe shortening. The jury agreed and rendered a verdict for the defendant.

The second defense verdict came out of a trial concerning plaintiff’s claims of medical malpractice during the performance of an electrophysiological study. Plaintiff claimed that the defendant was negligent when a femoral artery was nicked during the procedure, resulting in a pseudoaneurysm that required surgical repair. Sandy expertly demonstrated that the procedure was performed appropriately, considering the doctor’s expertise and the technological limitations. This crucial argument effectively countered the plaintiff’s claim that an ultrasound should have been used during the procedure.

Congratulations to Sandy Gold and his trial teams on both cases, ARFD Partner, Kevin Denaro, and Of Counsel, Mallory Turk, for this outstanding achievement!