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Embracing AI: A Strategic Path Forward

Forbes Technology Council

Manoj Chaudhary is the CTO and SVP of Jitterbit.

It’s impossible to escape headlines touting artificial intelligence (AI) as the next great revolution, impacting everything from healthcare to shopping, filmmaking, and even the Olympics. Alongside these claims are diverse perspectives on AI's potential to either benefit humanity or create an ethical divide.

Whether you're an AI optimist or skeptic, one thing is clear: AI is being deployed rapidly across all industries. With these advancements, should we fast-track AI or take a more thoughtful, deliberate approach to incorporating AI into our workflows?

Lessons From AI Missteps

Historically, economists have viewed new technologies such as AI as broadly beneficial. However, recent trends challenge this perspective, suggesting two divergent futures for an AI-driven world. One path, characterized by a fast, top-down implementation of AI, aims to automate without considering the critical role that human oversight plays in ensuring responsible deployment. This approach, while potentially transformative, often leads to less-than-ideal outcomes.

Consider the McDonald's AI pilot for automated order taking. The system often misinterpreted orders, leading to peculiar errors like adding hundreds of dollars worth of chicken nuggets to a customer’s order. The New York Post reported another person had bacon added to their ice cream in error.

Incidents like these underscore the risks of a hasty AI deployment. MIT professor Daron Acemoglu and Boston University's Pascual Restrepo describe this phenomenon as "so-so technology"—innovations that replace human jobs without significantly improving performance.

A prime example is self-checkout systems, which eliminated some cashier roles but frustrated both customers and employees. In their attempt at “progress,” these systems neglect the human experience. This concept is essential to understand because it highlights the need for AI to significantly enhance performance and efficiency while preserving the valuable aspects of human interaction.

Strategic And Measured Approach

The other path for new technologies is one characterized by a more cautious, bottom-up approach, focusing on integrating AI in ways that increase human capabilities. This method prioritizes rigorous testing and strong governance to tackle risks like bias, inaccuracies, and unintended consequences.

I support such an incremental, thoughtful, and deliberate approach to ensure teams play an active role in integrating AI into their process. Instead of forcing a revolution, businesses should aim for a gradual evolution that strategically infuses AI into the automation of critical workflows. This will allow business leaders to shift their focus to strategic planning, innovation and transformation. This approach embraces AI as a force multiplier for the enterprise, boosting efficiency and enabling more business outcomes with AI technology.

Meaningful AI Integration

As organizations increasingly adopt AI to enhance operations, a thoughtful and deliberate approach is crucial for successful integration and sustainable impact. Instead of diving into sweeping changes, a measured strategy can mitigate risks and align AI implementations with real-world needs.

Here are six recommendations for taking a more intentional approach to AI:

1. Start Small And Scale Gradually: Start with pilot projects focused on specific processes rather than overhauling entire systems. This approach allows for testing and refining AI implementations in a controlled environment to minimize risks. Gradual scaling up ensures AI solutions are robust and effective before broader deployments.

2. Involve Stakeholders Early: Engage business leaders, teams, employees and stakeholders from the start to gather invaluable insights and feedback for AI solutions. Early involvement creates ownership, reduces resistance and ensures AI systems are user-friendly and aligned with business goals, reinforcing employees' vital role in shaping the company's future.

3. Focus On Augmentation, Not Replacement: Design AI to enhance human capabilities and make operations more efficient and effective while freeing up valuable time for strategy, innovation and transformation. Augmenting work with AI boosts productivity, decision-making and job satisfaction empowers employees to improve their performance.

4. Prioritize Transparency And Accountability: Ensure AI systems are transparent and easy to understand. Establish clear accountability to address errors, build trust and enhance user confidence. Consider ethical issues like data privacy and bias to ensure responsible AI use. Transparency and accountability are essential for trust and effective AI deployment.

5. Invest In Training And Support: Provide comprehensive training to help employees adapt to new AI tools and systems. To maximize AI benefits, offer continuous support and education that covers technical aspects and job impacts. This ensures smooth transitions and keeps employees updated with advancements.

6. Measure And Iterate: Continuously monitor AI performance and its impact. Use data-driven insights for iterative improvements. Regular assessments and feedback identify strengths and weaknesses to enable informed decision-making and adaptive strategies for long-term success.


As organizations simplify complexity with AI, they reduce friction, drive innovation and accelerate business transformation. Instead of sprinting towards an uncertain AI future, it’s better to take a more measured and deliberate approach to AI integration. This way, AI can be a complementary force for driving business transformation.

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