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June 2024 Newsletter


Trent Van Alfen

Director, Impact Strategy 

While many invaluable insights were shared at this month’s Sorenson Impact Summit, one thing that’s stuck with me is that when it comes to systems change, even our smallest actions make a difference. I was inspired to consider how my values could better manifest in everyday activities—from where I bank to the food I eat.

Individually, we may have more power than we realize to drive the positive change we believe in. Imagine the difference we can make when we combine those efforts. 

This reinforces the power of convenings like the Summit. By creating an environment for collaboration and idea-sharing with a dedicated group of thought leaders, we pave the way for new solutions to be developed to expand our collective impact. 

Below, read our roundup of actionable ideas from this year’s Summit and the thoughtful, encouraging, and challenging insights from those who took the stage. And explore some of the Institute’s latest dynamic initiatives and transformative efforts driving impact at the University of Utah and beyond.

Trent Van Alfen
Director, Impact Strategy

5 Key Insights in Impact Investing: Highlights from the 2024 Sorenson Impact Summit

The 2024 Sorenson Impact Summit brought together thought leaders from various sectors and all over the world to work toward one common goal: build a brighter future. Attendees challenged one another with compelling and inspirational conversations, shared ideas, best practices, and lessons learned, and leaned on each other to identify new ways forward.

The Summit aims to inspire outcomes that move beyond the status quo and extend beyond the event itself. Here, we explore common themes and the most significant takeaways that can influence positive change within the impact investing community and for all people and the planet.


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The Evolution of Social Impact Academic Programming at the University of Utah

Training the next generation of impact leaders is a core purpose and north star of the Sorenson Impact Institute, part of the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah. With expanded opportunities to explore the concept of impact, students from every academic discipline have an opportunity to gain and apply an impact perspective in their chosen field of study. In this interview, the Institute’s Managing Director of Impact Academics, Dr. Allison Boxer, shares her vision for the Institute’s social impact academic program. 

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Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: How Utah’s Financial Institutions Are Breaking Barriers and Driving Economic Growth

If you missed our recent virtual convening, watch it here! Together with representatives from financial institutions that target and support underserved entrepreneurs, we explored how financial institutions can empower women entrepreneurs, break barriers, and drive economic growth. 


The Impact Authenticity Score: A New Tool for Assessing Methods, Rigor, and Performance in Impact Investing

The Impact Evaluation Lab and the Sorenson Impact Institute collaborated to refine and announce the Impact Authenticity Score (IAS), a comprehensive framework designed to address challenges in the impact investing sector, such as ‘impact washing.’ The IAS framework evaluates impact investment management teams based on Mission Authenticity, Impact Execution, and Financial Performance to ensure authentic strategies, diligent resource allocation, and successful achievement of anticipated returns


Apply to Sorenson Impact Foundation’s Empowering Ownership Grant Program

The Sorenson Impact Foundation seeks to provide funding to organizations around the world that are focused on catalyzing economic empowerment and equity through employee, home, or community ownership opportunities. If your work aligns with these initiatives, apply for funding by July 12.

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Sustainable Investing Challenge Winners Discuss Their Plans to Protect the Great Salt Lake

In April, members of Sorenson Impact Institute’s impact investing team won the 2024 Kellogg-Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge. Their winning project, the Resilient Waters Fund, is a unique proposal that leverages private and existing public capital to protect the Great Salt Lake. We caught up with the winners, Hunter Conrad and Cody Clifford, to learn about their inspiration for the project, their plans to make the proposal come to life, and how their experience at the Institute prepared them for this experience. Congratulations, Hunter and Cody!

Impact News to Know

Building Infrastructure In The Sky With Impact (Matthew Bishop) “Long before people were talking about ‘doing well by doing good,’ serial ‘humanitarian entrepreneur’ Mikkel Vestergaard Frandsen was doing it.” Read more about Vestergard Frandsen and his company, Sceye, in this article by the Institute’s Matthew Bishop. READ MORE 

Join Us in Celebrating 24 Sessions Selected from the Community-Led SOCAP Open Process (SOCAP Global) Explore the sessions selected from this year’s SOCAP Open and learn how you can join these systems-changing conversations. READ MORE

Constructing Success: Impact & Prosperity Epicenter May Update (Center for Business, Health, and Prosperity) May was a bustling month at the Impact & Prosperity Epicenter, with significant progress as we gear up for resident move-in at the start of the fall semester. READ MORE

How Regeneration Is Redefining Business (Stanford Social Innovation Review) Aiming for sustainability has not fundamentally altered the environmentally destructive effects of business. Christopher Marquis argues that only by embracing regeneration as a model can we meet the challenges posed by today’s biggest global crises. READ MORE

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