BAI Executive Report

Elevating customer service across the enterprise

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Top-shelf customer service can pay off in ways both measurable and nuanced. That’s why placing customers at the heart of your strategy regardless of your department’s specialty is the focus of this month’s BAI Executive Report: “Elevating customer service across the enterprise.”
High-touch interactions, because they may be rarer these days, still demand your budget dollars. And how financial institutions support the humans interacting most often with the real people on the other side of the transaction matters more than ever. We also explore how tapping into the right customer-service platform can do the work of legions and best-in-class AI use-cases for easing customer pain points.

Articles in this report include:

‘The persona touch’: Can customer profiles forge deeper connections and grow deposits?
Data and gen AI accelerate use of personas in targeted banking interactions, but not without safeguards against bias.

Nurture small-business customer service by meeting unique needs
Gig workers, professionals adding a side hustle, even brick-and-mortar SMBs are often a hybrid consumer/business customer seeking account ease, tax help and quick capital.

Invest in talent and you’ll invest in customers
A Q&A with Simmons Bank’s Nick Kieffer examines what matters most in the contact center—tech agility, call efficiency, agent continuity or soft skills? All of it. All the time.

AI and automation smooth your frictionless customer experience
Best-in-class banks and credit unions reveal the smartest ROI comes from CX technology that connects all departments.

Banks need a customer service platform that’s actually built for finance
Know the difference between horizontal and vertical SaaS — and which is suited for financial services — to ensure long-run cost savings and security.

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