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Listen to the 2024 BBC Proms on YourClassical

Listen to the 2024 BBC Proms on YourClassical

The BBC Proms concerts return to YourClassical for the 2024 season. Enjoy live performances featuring world-class ensembles, conductors and soloists from London and elsewhere in the United Kingdom. Listen at 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. central on weekdays through Sept. 27 — plus on-demand audio for 30 days afterward.

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Lottery-related ballot measure awaits Minnesota voters

Lottery-related ballot measure awaits Minnesota voters

A group of 130 environment, conservation and business groups is working to raise awareness about the measure, which seeks to extend the distribution framework for proceeds first authorized decades ago.


Anton Bruckner's epic symphonies endure 200 years after his birth

Anton Bruckner's epic symphonies endure 200 years after his birth

This year, the classical music world celebrates the artistry of Austro-German composer Anton Bruckner, who was born 200 years ago on Sept. 4. Find out more about this humble man and how his groundbreaking, massive symphonies continue to endure.

The Current

Coffee Break: Happy Birthday, Beyoncé!

Coffee Break: Happy Birthday, Beyoncé!

For today’s 9:30 Coffee Break, what songs by, or that feature, Beyoncé would you like to hear?