Law Institute of Victoria

Become a member

Membership of the Law Institute of Victoria connects you with a collegiate community of peers and provides access to high quality education, resources, networks and opportunities so you are best placed to achieve professional excellence throughout your career. Join more than 20,200 of your peers in the legal community and start accessing member benefits today.

LIV Member Benefits   Become a Member  

Compliance and Risk Mitigation Seminars

Meet your professional and ethical duties with complimentary CPD sessions. Empower yourself with essential knowledge and risk mitigation strategies to handle emerging challenges, such as Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing.

Sessions are available to LIV members and the broader profession, and are delivered online for your convenience.

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The PLT that opens doors

In partnership with the Australian College of Applied Professions, this Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice gives Victorian PLT candidates a career edge.

Combining ACAP's expertise in delivering professional tertiary education and the LIV's leadership within the legal profession, this PLT offers the perfect pairing of industry-led, immersive learning and genuine connection with the legal profession, along with free graduate LIV membership.

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