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Union News and Updates

four workers wearing red t-shirts holding Fair Contract or Nothing Less signs
Press Release

CWA Members at AT&T West Reject New Agreement; Members at AT&T Southeast Remain on Strike

Through their strike in the Southeast and their rejection of the tentative agreement in the West, CWA members have sent a strong message to AT&T: we expect good faith bargaining toward a fair contract.
AT&T SE Strike Handbilling
Press Release

AT&T Workers Nationwide Escalate Southeast Strike in Major Cities

As more than 17,000 AT&T workers mark their third week on strike across nine states in the Southeast, AT&T workers and other members of CWA escalated their demands today outside AT&T Mobility retail stores.
Apple Grand Central Station CWA Press Release
Press Release

CWA-Represented Apple Retail Workers in Oklahoma City Become Second U.S. Store to Secure Tentative Agreement with Tech Giant

Earlier this week, workers held an informational picket in front of the store ahead of bargaining sessions on September 4.
The CWA AT&T Southeast Picket Line Never Sleeps
September 5, 2024

The CWA AT&T Southeast Picket Line Never Sleeps

This Labor Day weekend, while many workers took a much-needed rest, CWA members were hard at work keeping the pressure on AT&T to come back to the bargaining table.
AT&T Southeast Strike - Miami
Press Release

AT&T Continues Its Bad Faith Bargaining With "Final" Offer

The misleading message AT&T sent to CWA members this morning about their proposal and the status of bargaining amounts to direct dealing and is more evidence of the company’s continued bad faith. This type of conduct is what led to these workers going out on strike and it does nothing more than aggravate the situation.
September 5, 2024

AFA-CWA Flight Attendants Vote Overwhelmingly to Authorize Strike

AFA-CWA Flight Attendants at United Airlines finalized their strike vote last week with 99.99% of voters in favor of authorizing a strike.

About Our Union

The Communications Workers of America represents working people in telecommunications, customer service, media, airlines, health care, public service and education, manufacturing, tech and other fields.

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