Contrary to popular wisdom, the proper first response to a changing world is not to ask, “how should we change?” But rather to ask “what do we stand for and why do we exist?”

– James Collins

Thought Leadership:

Equity Toolkit for Any Design

Members of the Architectural Nexus Social Equity Committee, Megan Repka, AIA, and Megan Girvan, AIA, recently shared a... Read More >

Jessica Peterson Named Architect of the Year by WIA SLC

Architectural Nexus’ Jessica Peterson has been named the 2024 “Architect of the Year” by Women in Architecture SLC, recognizing her outstanding contributions to the profession... Read More >

Scott A. Larkin, AIA, ACHA, Senior Principal, Healthcare Planner: The Healing Architect

Scott Larkin brought a uniquely expert perspective to his 30-year career as an architect, having previously served 10 years as a nurse in the Navy Nurse Corps. Motivated by a desire to help oth... Read More >
Thought Leadership:

Equitable Design

Architectural Nexus is pleased to publish the Social Equity Toolkit for industry wide use in increasing equitable design within the built environment. The Social Equity Toolkit incorporates a w... Read More >