What, How, and Why of Artificial Intelligence Risk Management
The Tenets of Artificial intelligence
All forms of Artificial intelligence (AI) can be risky, especially when newly implemented. This article addresses the risks and rewards of AI, and explains how to protect against risks. Not all risks are preventable, but they can be managed.
AI has the potential to transform society for the better and improve lives in many ways. At the same time, however, it introduces risks that can harm not only business enterprises but the also the workers and the end users of business products. Security risks from AI are different from those posed by traditional software or information-based systems. This occurs because the complexity and relative novelty of AI systems make it difficult to detect risks and respond appropriately. We must all learn to anticipate AI risk and to effectively deal with it when it arises. We must learn to designing appropriate AI that aligns with the goals and values of specific businesses.
Responsible use of AI means a razor focus on the human beings that run the business, on the community for whom the business is run, and on the maintenance or sustainability ofthe business for the foreseeable future. A human focus necessitates a critical weighing of potential positive and negative impacts of AI systems.
First and foremost, are the individuals who may be affected. Next is the socialresponsibility to one’s community and its prosperity. All the while, there is an urgency to consider and not endanger future generations.
Responsible use of AI results in outcomes that are equitable for all. So, when designing, developing, and deploying AI systems, please keep goals and values in mind.
A Risk Management Framework
An AI risk management framework (a “Framework”) has to minimize negative impacts of AI systems and maximize its positive impacts. This is done by awareness of risks, screening for risks, meticulously documenting risks, and effectively managing them when they emerge. A Framework considers the likelihood of a risky event occurring and qualitatively and quantitatively measures its negative impact, direct and indirect.
Building a risk management Framework takes time but is imperative because, if carried out properly, it protects against negative consequences for the firm, for the people working in the firm and for the community the firm serves. It may also protect future generations. The human aspect is important because humans are fallible and make mistakes, are forgetful, are sometimes lazy, often don’t follow rules. To be trustworthy, AI systems have to take human frailty into account.
Various other factors complicate the potential for AI risks, including the use of third-party software, hardware, and data, the advent of unexpected emergencies, the availability of reliable metrics, the differences in risk assessment at different stages of the AI lifecycle, real-world deployment scenarios, and difficulties in early understanding of signs of risk.
Third-party data or systems can facilitate the development and deployment of AI systems, but can also pose new risks that are difficult to measure. Emergent risks need to be identified and tracked. This indicates the need for impact assessment approaches. Unfortunately, there is a current lack of consensus on robust and verifiable measurement methods for AI systems that are trustworthy. Moreover, real-world scenarios often differ from the results obtained in a laboratory or controlled environment. The effects of an AI-enabled cyberattack can, for instance, be very difficult to anticipate and recognize. In AI systems intended to augment or replace human activity, it is difficult to compare a human response to an AI response because the tasks are different.
Risk Tolerance
Risk tolerance refers to the severity of risks one is willing to bear in order to achieve one’sobjectives. This tolerance is influenced by legal and regulatory requirements, policies and norms established by AI system owners and policy makers, and can change over time as AI policies evolve. A Framework can prioritize risk, but it cannot dictate risk tolerance. Different organizations have different degrees of risk tolerance based on their specificpriorities and resource considerations. A Framework is meant to complement not replace existing risk practices. In sectors where established guidelines for risk tolerance do not exist, organizations must define risk tolerance that is reasonable for them and use a Framework to manage the risks and document their risk management processes.
Eliminating all risks is unrealistic and can actually be counterproductive, so it’s important to recognize that not all AI risks are equal. A risk management culture can help organizations allocate resources appropriately. When applying a Framework, the level of risk and potential impact of each AI system should be assessed, and resources should be prioritized accordingly. Higher priority may be given to AI systems that interact directly with humans or involve sensitive data. Lower priority can be given to AI systems that only interact with computational systems and access non-sensitive data. Regular risk assessment prioritization is important, even for non-human-facing AI systems that may have potential downstream impacts. Residual risk, or risk that remains after risk treatment, must be documented in order to inform end users about potential negative consequences in the future.
AI risk management cannot be done in isolation and must be incorporated into a broader enterprise risk management strategy. A Framework should be used in conjunction with other relevant guidelines to manage AI risks which include privacy, cybersecurity, energy and environmental impact and overall security of AI systems. There should be clear accountability mechanisms, roles, and responsibilities for effective risk management, which requires commitment from senior management. It is possible that this will requirea cultural change within the organization or within the industry as a whole. The challenges for small to medium-sized organizations implementing a Framework may differ from those of large organizations because of size differences in resources and capabilities.
The following are characteristics of good AI risk management systems:
Trustworthiness is essential for AI systems that employees accept and use effectively. Definition of trustworthiness: it must be valid and reliable, safe, secure and resilient, accountable and transparent, explainable and interpretable, privacy-enhanced, and fair. All harmful bias must be managed. Achieving trustworthiness is not just about fulfilling each of these characteristics, but also about balancing them, one against the other. Trade-offs may arise between different characteristics and the choice of which ones to prioritize depends on the context and the values that are most important to the organization.
Involve multiple perspectives and parties in the AI lifecycle to ensure that decisions are informed and applicable to a specific context. Ultimately, trustworthiness depends on the decisions and actions of those involved and requires transparency and justification.
Trustworthiness characteristics of AI systems are interrelated. Their deployment mustconsider the costs, benefits, impacts, and risks.
- Validation is the process of confirming that the AI system has met the requirements for its intended use.
- Reliability refers to the ability of the system to perform as required without failure over a given time interval.
- Accuracy is the closeness of results to the true values.
- Robustness refers to the ability of the system to maintain performance under different circumstances.
Validity, reliability, accuracy, and robustness should all be assessed through routine testing and monitoring to minimize potential negative impacts. In cases where the AI system cannot detect or correct errors, human intervention may often be necessary.
Transparency refers to the extent to which information about an AI system and its outputs is accessible to those who interact with it. Transparency enhances confidence in AI systems by promoting understanding of its potential and of its limitations. The more transparency, the less uproar about negative impacts caused by wrong outputs. Transparency helps in keeping responsible parties accountable for severe consequences, such as those involving life and liberty. It can be enhanced by documenting and maintaining training data, knowing who is responsible for what decisions, and repeatedly testing transparency tools with AI deployers. Not everything can be shared – proprietary information must, of course, be kept confidential.
Risk to Human Life, Health, Property, or Environment
AI systems should not pose any risk to human life, health, property, or environment. Safe operation is essential. Different types of safety risks may need to be tailored to risk management approaches, with the highest priority given to those that pose serious injury or death risks. To prevent dangerous conditions, AI safety considerations should be incorporated into the system starting as early as possible in the planning and designphase. This incorporation may involve rigorous simulation and testing, real-time monitoring, and the ability to shut down, modify, or intervene in the system if it deviates from what was intended. AI safety risk management should align with existing sector or application-specific guidelines or standards and take cues from safety efforts in other fields.
AI systems are considered resilient if they can withstand unexpected changes and stillcontinue to function. They should be designed to degrade safely in case of failure. Security is critically important, and systems should have protection mechanisms in place to maintain confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Security and resilience are related but distinct, as security includes resilience and also involves avoiding and protecting against attacks. Resilience refers to the ability of the system to return to normal function after an unexpected event and covers robustness against unexpected or adversarial use of data.
Explainability and interpretability are important characteristics of AI systems that ensure their effective function and their trustworthiness. Explainability refers to how the mechanisms behind AI systems operate, while interpretability refers to the meaning of AI outputs as they pertain to their designed purposes. Together, explainability and interpretability help users and those in charge of AI systems understand the potential impact of the system. A lack of explainability and interpretability can lead to misgivings and failure to use the systems appropriately. Explainability and interpretability can be managed by providing easy-to-understand descriptions of AI functions and also by clearly communicating why decisions about their use were made. Transparency, explainability, and interpretability are distinct but interconnected concepts, with transparency answering “what”, explainability answering “how”, and interpretability answering “why”.
Privacy refers to the norms and practices that help protect individual autonomy, identity, and dignity by limiting surveillance and intrusion, and preventing the disclosure of personal information. Privacy values should guide the design, development, and deployment of all AI systems. AI systems can pose new risks to privacy. Privacy-enhancing technologies and data minimizing methods such as de-identification and aggregation are adesign must.
Fairness in AI refers to addressing issues of equality and avoiding all forms of bias and discrimination. The concept of fairness is culture-specific and varies in different parts of the world. Risk management in AI is enhanced by recognizing and considering culturaldifferences.
There are three major categories of AI bias that organizations must consider and manage: systemic, computational, statistical, and human-cognitive. Biases can be present in datasets, in organizational norms and practices, and, of course, in the broader society from which AI not only gleans its data but by which AI systems are used. Computational and statistical biases can occur in AI datasets and algorithms, often due to sourcing datafrom non-representative samples. Human-cognitive biases relate to the way individuals or groups perceive AI system information and make decisions, or how they think about the purposes and functions of AI. Simple examples are assumptions that all users are right handed, all have normal sight, normal hearing, and can nimbly operate keyboards.
Bias can exist in many forms, including unconsciously ingrained in early designs. Organizations need to consider the needs of all their employees and all the community users of their products.
AI must be based on principles of privacy, fairness and freedom from bias. It must be transparent, explainable, and easily interpretable. It must be resilient, trustworthy, reliable, valid, accurate, and robust. It must pose no risk to human life, and minimal, preventable or manageable risk to health, property, or the earth’s environment. While AI has great potential to transform society for the better, we must keep in mind the many issues discussed in this paper to ensure that risk, while never possible to totally eradicate, is sufficiently mitigated to allow AI to bring significant improvement to people’s lives.
Attorney and Management Consultant at IH Consulting Group
1yThank you Bob Seeman for sharing .
Rosemary Hood DVM Emerita
1yPrivacy Act - Canada is missing this.