What Does Generative AI Mean for The Future of Marketing?

What Does Generative AI Mean for The Future of Marketing?

AI technology has revolutionized the way organizations carry business worldwide. Most AI applications, however, revolve around facilitating sales and marketing operations. According to this BCG survey, around 70% of the respondents claimed that their companies already use generative AI, while about 19% claimed they are currently testing it. Companies that flirt with generative AI experience higher customer satisfaction, productivity, and overall growth rates.

For Marketing, generative AI is the future. Since marketing is primarily shaped by the audience’s evolving sentiment regarding content and campaigns, AI has evolved to help marketers keep up with this new landscape. Below are some ways marketers can tap into the power of generative AI in their marketing endeavors.

Teams are Steadily Headed Towards Marketing Burnout

There are various costs associated with reduced capabilities when it comes to marketing. According to CMI, 67% of marketers report that their teams have been asked by leadership to do more with no additional resources. This has led to many teams to begin to burnout with piling demand.

Multiple costs are associated with an overworked marketing department and a risky potential to impact the team’s long-term well-being and the organization’s bottom line.

  • Reduced Productivity: One might assume that overworking a marketing team leads to increased productivity. However, the opposite is often true. Fatigue and burnout can result in diminished creativity, decreased attention to detail, and a higher likelihood of errors. This decline in productivity can hinder campaign effectiveness and jeopardize the achievement of marketing goals.

  • Diminished Creativity: Marketing relies heavily on creativity and innovation. When employees are overworked, their ability to think outside the box and develop new strategies may decrease. This can result in stagnant campaigns and an inability to adapt to changing market conditions, potentially costing the company market share and revenue.

  • Quality vs. Quantity: An overworked marketing department may prioritize quantity over quality, rapidly churning out content and campaigns to meet deadlines. This can lead to a decline in the quality of marketing materials, which can harm the company’s reputation and brand perception.

  • Missed Opportunities: An exhausted marketing team may be unable to identify and capitalize on emerging trends and opportunities. This can lead to missed chances to gain a competitive edge or enter new markets, which can have long-term financial consequences.

  • Legal and Compliance Risks: Rushed marketing campaigns may overlook legal and compliance requirements, exposing the company to legal liabilities and fines. Ensuring that marketing materials are compliant with regulations is essential for long-term sustainability.

Luckily, generative AI can come into play and help marketing leaders leverage technology to reduce their teams’ workload and deliver quality content.

5 Ways Generative AI Helps Marketing

1. Content Idea Generation

For content idea generation, generative AI is a game-changer. Proposing new content ideas is essential for marketers, due to its ability to keep their audience engaged and up-to-date with the latest developments in the niche and within their companies.

Maybe one of the most significant advancements in content idea generation was the emergence of tools such as ChatGPT. Similar tools can offer marketers new perspectives on topics they already approached in their content and new, creative content ideas to keep up with audience sentiment and preferences.

For instance, Predictive Analytics can help marketers identify data patterns and make predictions based on their marketing automation platform data compiled with third-party information. Based on that data, marketers can use generative AI tools to help them with content idea brainstorming.

2. Automate Content Creation

Content idea brainstorming is only one of many areas where marketers can leverage the power of Generative AI. Using AI tools for content creation automation is another marketing segment where technology is gaining traction. Generative AI helps marketers save significant time and resources for faster time-to-market while also assisting them in the creation of social media posts, blog articles, and email campaigns in record time. While the content generated still needs a human touch for refinement and personalization, it can help reduce marketers’ time crafting such campaigns.

3. Elevate Existing Content

For marketers, old content is a goldmine. It poses the potential to be constantly refreshed and updated with recent insights. Generative AI is a great tool to use in this context. Predictive analytics models can be used to analyze data patterns and user feedback. Then, such tools can identify and suggest areas where content can be improved, updated, and optimized. For example, suppose a blog article that is a little dated. In that case, generative AI can help you bring the piece into the present by refreshing the content.Such models work on different types of content, from email copy to social media postings and blog articles.

4. Hyper-Personalization

Predictive analytics and generative AI harbor the power to analyze vast amounts of information and tailor content to their audience segment’s preferences, interests, and behaviors. Hyperpersonalization is an excellent way to increase the levels of CX at an organizational level, helping you generate higher conversion and retention rates while boosting brand loyalty.

Although generative AI does not replace human creativity and perspective, it can create the foundation for your marketing teams to then tailor to their specific needs. This helps marketers by significantly reducing the time needed to deliver quality content.

5. Market Segmentation

Predictive analytics and generative AI enable marketers to be more precise in their market segmentation efforts. Companies can use the two to make better decisions based on valuable insights to help them along all customer touchpoints and find unique solutions that address their pain points. The more precise you are in segmenting your audience, the better the overall outcomes of your marketing initiatives.

Thanks to such capabilities, you can now use generative AI alongside your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) to get detailed customer segments and achieve consistent and relevant customer experiences.

SugarCRM: Empowering Marketers with Generative AI Capabilities

With SugarCRM, marketers can let the platform do the work and handle the high-value tasks instead. With SugarCRM’s generative AI capabilities, you can:

  • Compose personalized sales and marketing content

  • Find answers to your dilemmas and get pertinent next-step recommendations

  • Efficiently summarize customer data

  • Create ad-hoc reports and workflows when the need arises

Additionally, Sugar Market‘s AI capabilities can help marketers tackle tasks more effectively, such as personalized email campaign creation.

AI is taking the future of sales, marketing and customer service. Learn more CRM trends from our 2024 Satte of CRM Report!

by Mihaela-Cristina Chiurtu

Originally published on SugarCRM.

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