Want to Start Your New Year Strong?

Want to Start Your New Year Strong?

As the New Year arrives, you start out strong by listing all of your resolutions.

Wish to eat healthy? Stand by your boundaries? Workout 4x a week? You aim to make a shift. 

But in reality, according to Forbes, nearly 80% of people admit to abandoning their New Year's resolutions by February every year.

Why does this happen? 

Because life doesn’t go as planned. You get overwhelmed and feel pushed and pulled in a million different directions.

You find it hard to stick to it because there is little support, no one to keep you accountable to your goals, or you don't see the results fast enough. 

So what do I suggest?

1. First, understand that creating a new habit takes time; when I mean time, I mean a minimum of 2-3 months of daily work on this new habit. It’s just like how babies learn to walk - they crawl first, then seek support from things around them, fall, get up again, learn to take 4-5 steps together and, one day they run around the house like they always knew how to do it. 

Does it happen in 2 months? No, it takes time to embody a new habit that becomes second nature to you one day.

2. Second, when you have support and someone to hold you accountable, your chances of success go up by 95%. Do you know why Serena Williams and Usain Bolt have coaches? Because a coach not only keeps them accountable but also helps them to get past where they get stuck by giving them constructive feedback and pushing them past their comfort zone.

3. Third, you need a strong-minded intention that drives you forward. Not a massive one that might make you give up even before starting. For example, if you intend to lose 1 kg in 2 weeks - it’s absolutely possible to do that.

But if you intend to lose 20 kgs in 2 weeks, it is extremely hard to do that. And chances are you might give up even before losing 4 kgs. At the SI Wisdom Academy, we help our members set intentions with a pinch of focus and a dash of realism.

At the SI Wisdom Academy, we do this by:

1. Helping you find an accountability buddy and welcoming you inside the warm and supportive community of change-makers. 

2. Setting realistic intentions that light you up and drive you forward yet are not too big to make you give up.

3. Helping you stick with it for at least 3 months before you assess the results. Patience is key!

And if you really wish to stick to the resolutions you planned yesterday, join the SI Wisdom Academy today for support, accountability, and somatic programs that will help you powerfully embody your intention.

P.S. A Wisdom Academy Membership makes a great gift…for others and yourself. 

 As we enter a new year, we want to rewrite the stories of "I’m not doing enough" into stories of "I’m proud of myself."

If you want to feel determined to reach your next level up. Reflect on 2022 from a place of self-compassion and plan for 2023 with other growth-focused change makers. I invite you to a supportive and loving community of change-makers who also seek profound embodied wisdom and powerful somatic practices so you can achieve a new level of presence, resilience, and embodied impact. 

Learn more about what the SI Wisdom Academy has to offer.

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