Top 10 Ways To Get Your Boss To Trust & Value You.

Top 10 Ways To Get Your Boss To Trust & Value You.

This isn’t ‘kissing up’ or playing the corporate game — these are simple techniques you can try to earn your boss’s trust and show them that you are a valuable team member. Remember, if you’re not doing them, your teammates probably are.

  1. Meet deadlines and deliver high-quality work: One of the most important ways to gain their trust is to consistently meet and produce work that meets or exceeds their expectations. Don’t kill yourself — push on those high-exposure activities important to upper management.
  2. Communicate openly and honestly: Make sure to keep your boss informed about your work and any challenges you face. Be transparent about your progress and any issues that may arise. This is key — the better you communicate, the more they trust you.
  3. Take the initiative and show your ambition: Demonstrate your willingness to take on new tasks and responsibilities, and be proactive in seeking opportunities to learn and grow. Volunteer in meetings to help out and regularly ask your boss for more work or if they need help.
  4. Be reliable and dependable: Make sure to follow through on your commitments and be a team player that others can rely on. Do what you say you’re going to do — this is one of the fails of most employees — dropping the ball when your boss expects performance.
  5. Seek feedback and be open to constructive criticism: Show that you are willing to learn and improve by asking for feedback and being open to constructive criticism. Regularly ask, “How am I doing?” — good bosses usually uncover your weak areas — listen, pay attention, and improve them.
  6. Develop your skills and knowledge: Always improve your skills and expertise. This will make you more valuable to your team and demonstrate your dedication to your job and personal and professional growth. Read, listen to podcasts, attend events/conferences, take a class — don’t ever think that your growth is finite. Learning brings new ideas, the latest techniques, and better ways of doing things that will get your boss’ attention.
  7. Be a problem-solver: Show your boss that you can think critically and find solutions to challenges in your work. This can build trust and demonstrate your value to the team. Work is just a series of problems to be solved — fix the easy ones and go after the more challenging ones (they’re more interesting anyway).
  8. Be respectful and professional: Treat your colleagues and boss respectfully, and maintain a professional demeanor at all times. This will help to create a positive work environment and show that you are a valuable team member. Treat them how you want to be treated — even if your boss is exasperated with work sometimes — they are human and usually under pressure from the top.
  9. Be flexible and adaptable: Demonstrate your ability to adapt to change and take on new tasks and responsibilities as they come up. This will show your boss that you are a reliable and adaptable team member. This is one of the reasons why recalcitrant and stubborn employees are fired — be adaptable to your company’s changing landscape.
  10. Show appreciation for your team and your boss: A little appreciation can go a long way in building trust and positive relationships with your boss and colleagues. Showing gratitude and appreciation for their hard work and contributions can create a positive work culture and strengthen team bonds. Remember their birthday, bring them holiday gifts that they might like, and once-in-awhile let them know how appreciative your are to be on their team. 

ACTION STEP: This week, try one missing from your current quiver of behaviors. Building trust and showing your boss value will take time and effort. Be patient and consistent in your actions, and always strive to be your best employee.

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