In Support of Our Entire Community
photo: Lucas Ludwig

In Support of Our Entire Community

Where to begin? A pandemic, now riots... this week has us speechless, enraged, disappointed and devastated. As a company, we were founded on the principles of the goodness of community and that everyone’s decisions and actions matter. And now, we grieve with the family and community of George Floyd and we demand justice for those responsible for his death. We ache for our beautiful city of Minneapolis, and the many communities throughout the US experiencing destruction and violence in the wake of civil protests. Riots are a symptom of the broken social justice system and lingering racism in America. Dr. King’s words are more relevant today than when he spoke them in 1967, “riots are the language of the unheard” and that “social justice and progress are the absolute guarantors of riot prevention.” While it is disappointing that we have not made the progress Dr. King spoke of 53 years ago, we can do better. We need to do better. 

In the last few days, our team members have had to leave their homes for fear of their safety. Many of our valued retail partners have shuttered stores and sent their team members home, and have since had their businesses looted and vandalized. We pray for caring, kindness, and compassion within our communities. Along with everyone right now, we are struggling. Justice must be served but we know that this is only the start. Long term positive change will only occur when we demand change from our leaders.  In times like this, it is hard to know where to start, but we are:

  • using our voices, because we cannot change what we ignore
  • signing petitions and calling our elected officials, those in power must know that change is needed
  • having tough, uncomfortable conversations about racism in our homes and in our communities
  • recognizing privilege and helping where we can

Everyone in Minneapolis has lost a little piece of their heart over the past week. People’s favorite restaurants, the bar where they met their partner, or their local bike shop - all gone. We applaud stoic small business owners showing compassionate empathy for the cause of “greater good” while they pick up the pieces of their shattered shops and board up their broken window panes with “Justice for George Floyd” artfully painted on the plywood. In the midst of the riots, when another local food company reached out for help, Eric, our CEO, and a team of volunteers from our production facility dropped everything to prioritize helping evacuate 4 truckloads of inventory out of their facility which was in harm’s way. We celebrate the spirit and strength of our community as we see people reaching out for help, and leaning on one another for support.

What is happening is heartbreaking and unfortunate, but is the result of many, many years and layers of injustice, inequality, and oppression that cannot endure if we are to thrive as a collective race of humans on this planet. It is our firm belief that greatness can be measured not by wealth, but by how a society treats its most vulnerable members - and so far, we have failed. We are hopeful for a tomorrow where our nation is led by leaders who inspire cooperation and compassionate action to lift others up, rather than sow seeds of the divide. 

“We the People” is supposed to mean all of us. At times like these, we cannot remain silent and complicit. Every single person on this planet’s DNA is genetically 99.9% the same. This is a scientific fact one cannot argue (fight us) - we are bound by our humanity. We all need safety, love, and belonging. We all deserve respect and opportunity. It starts with each of us, in our homes, at our kitchen table. Have uncomfortable conversations. Feel all the feelings. Start making lists, signing petitions, and making phone calls. Together, we can be a part of a more just tomorrow. 

~ Rita

written on behalf of Rita Katona & Eric Hall (co-founders)

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