A strong team: how two men built their practice authentically with social media and lead it successfully
Dominik Hieber (left) and Dr. Stefan Hieber (right) spending quality time with their dog

A strong team: how two men built their practice authentically with social media and lead it successfully

In celebration of Pride Month, we interviewed Dr. Stefan Hieber and Dominik Hieber, who co-manage a dental practice in Stuttgart, Germany. Their inspiring story and the way they blend their careers with their marriage highlight their ability to tackle challenges while remaining true to their identity and values. This interview provides insight into their lives and emphasizes the importance of authenticity and mutual respect in both their professional and personal worlds.

Nice to meet you, Stefan and Dominik. How would you describe each other in a few words?

Dr. Stefan Hieber: Dominik is an open-hearted person with a great sense of humor and always lends a sympathetic ear.

Dominik Hieber: Stefan is structured, goal-oriented, and has a heart of gold. He is always there for others.

You can tell that you complement each other well. How did the idea of opening a dental practice together come about?

Dominik Hieber: Stefan is a dentist, and I was a dance teacher. We met and fell in love in 2012 in Stuttgart, Germany. During the pandemic, I felt the need for a change and completed a course in project management. Initially, I planned to just help Stefan with accounting, but I quickly decided to dive fully into administration, practice, and personnel management. From the start, we became equal partners.

Dr. Stefan Hieber: We started right here in our living room at the dining table. First, there were four of us, then five. Our administrative assistant created the quality management system on a laptop, while I commuted between the construction site and home. Within three months, we opened our practice in December 2020.

Why did you name your practice kokon_18?

Dr. Stefan Hieber: We wanted a name that conveyed a sense of security. "Kokon" is the German word for cocoon and stands for comfort and well-being, and 18 is our house number, highlighting the urban charm of Stuttgart West.

Where does your dental practice stand today?

Dr. Stefan Hieber: After three and a half years, we are an 18-member team with three practitioners, having reached our five-year goal earlier than planned. Our primary focus now is to solidify and further expand the position we have reached.

Dominik Hieber: In parallel, we are working on advancing our second company, which specializes in social media consulting in the dental field.

How do you manage running a business as a married couple?

Dominik Hieber: I would say our shared vision has actually strengthened our relationship. Of course, we don’t always agree, but 90% of the time we share the same ideas.

Dr. Stefan Hieber: It can be challenging to work together 24/7, but we each have our own area of expertise. I handle the dental aspects, and Dominik takes care of our social media presence and practice management. We run the overall business together.

A strong team in private and professional life: The Hiebers in their dental practice in Germany

Do you often talk about the practice after work?

Both: Yes (laughing).

Dominik Hieber: Initially, our focus was heavily on the practice since we started it from scratch, which involved some risks. Now, we have found a better balance, thanks in part to our dog, who helps us unwind. It's amazing how much a pet can help stop your thoughts from constantly revolving around work.

How did new patients find their way to your practice?

Dr. Stefan Hieber: We fully relied on social media and shared everything from finding the right premises to the progress of the construction. Authenticity was important to us, and it resonated well.

Dominik Hieber: Our website is like a ticket, but the personal touch – our calling card, so to speak – is conveyed through our social media channels. We have built our follower count purely organically and would never pay for it. This is also a crucial part of our credibility.

What are the characteristics of the patients who visit your practice?

Dominik Hieber: Our patients typically range in age from 25 to 50 and prioritize both preventative care and aesthetics.

Dr. Stefan Hieber: Many of our patients already have a strong awareness of dental health and resonate with our philosophy.

Does your LGBTQ+ identity shape the composition of your clientele?

Dominik Hieber: Yes, many members of the LGBTQ+ community come to us because we are open about it and well-connected. We welcome everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, skin color, or type of health insurance.

What values and culture define your practice?

Dr. Stefan Hieber: Health, beauty, and well-being are our guiding principles in treatment. Dental health always comes first before considering aesthetic treatments.

Dominik Hieber: Open communication and appreciation shape our relationship with our employees. We have a diverse team with various cultural backgrounds. Creating an appreciative atmosphere is very important to us. Our office door is always open, and we value regular team discussions.

What advice do you have for other same-sex couples wanting to start a business?

Dr. Stefan Hieber: Be yourself and be courageous. At first, I doubted whether our practice would be accepted. But all my worries were quickly dispelled by many positive experiences. Today, I know we did it the right way.

Dominik Hieber: Authenticity is the key to success. When my husband expressed concerns initially, I told him, "We will only succeed if we stay true to ourselves. Anyone who doesn’t tolerate us is not a benefit to our practice." Last year, during Pride, we posted a lot on social media and unfortunately received some hate comments. Sadly, as a gay couple, this is still not uncommon. Today, we are strong individuals. We have achieved a lot, and it’s natural for us to live openly and honestly in our business because we spend most of our day here – it's where our hearts lie.

What more can companies like the Straumann Group do to promote inclusion and diversity?

Dominik Hieber: I wish companies would not only show pictures of lesbians and gays during Pride Month in June but throughout the entire year. It's important to remember Stonewall, but diversity should be visible continuously. Every step forward helps make it easier for future generations. I hope that someday a gay or a lesbian dentist can simply say, "Of course, we're opening the practice as a couple," without much thought, as Stefan and I did back then.

Thank you for the open conversation!

What an inspiring conversation - thank you to Dominik and Stefan for sharing your journey ☀️


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