Some Quick Interview Do's and Don'ts

Some Quick Interview Do's and Don'ts

It's very easy when you're prepping for an interview to focus on the Job description or doing as much research as you can on the company and then forget the little things that can make or break your chances.

Here is a quick list of some Do's and Don'ts.

• DO arrive on time or a few minutes early. Late arrival for a job interview is never excusable. But don't be too early. 5-10 minutes is fine, don't arrive at reception 20 minutes before your allotted time.

• DO greet the interviewer by his or her title and surname. If you are not sure of the name pronunciation, ask the interviewer to repeat it.

• DO shake hands firmly.

• DO wait until you are offered a chair before sitting. Sit upright in your chair and look alert and interested at all times.

• DO be as charismatic as possible; it is very important that you demonstrate your interpersonal skills during the interview.

• DO be a good listener as well as a good talker.

• DO smile.

• DO look the interviewer in the eye.

• DO make sure that your good points get across to the interviewer in a concise, factual and sincere manner. Waffle will get you nowhere.

• DO always conduct yourself as if you are determined to get the job you are discussing. Never close the door on opportunity. It is better to be in a position where you can choose from a number of offers - rather than only one.

• DON’T answer questions with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Explain yourself whenever possible. Describe those things about yourself that relate to the position on offer.

• DON’T lie. Answer questions truthfully, frankly and as close to the point as possible.

• DON’T make derogatory remarks about your present or former employers.

• DON’T enquire about salary, holidays, bonuses etc. at the initial interview unless you are positive that the interviewer wants to hire you. You should however, know your market value and be prepared to specify your required salary or range.

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