Simple + consistent + a sea turtle = engagement

Simple + consistent + a sea turtle = engagement

Fostering a work environment of well-being that tempers stress and stimulates engagement may feel daunting. The UK HealthCare Patient Access Services Admitting and Registration team will show you, however, that it is surprisingly easy. Simple, meaningful and consistent are the A, B and C of it: Think daily check-ins at shift’s start, weekly email updates, fun games, including everyone’s input on practices and workflow processes, and … a giant sea turtle?

“For Patient Access Week this year, we ordered a huge poster to hang on the wall that we can color; it’s a great way to relieve stress and promote teamwork,” said Patient Access Supervisor Alicia Ray. “We chose a giant sea turtle, which represents perseverance and strength. It symbolizes the team’s efforts in navigating the pandemic. It also has so many intricate details that we felt everyone could color a small piece of the whole picture. That’s what we feel about us as the patient access team — that we’re a small part of the larger system working toward the same goal.”

The sea turtle is just one of many creative ways that the PAS team has come up with to keep everyone connected across three shifts and five registration locations: Kentucky Children’s Hospital, Pavilions A and H, Good Samaritan Hospital and the major surgery area.

“We work daily to be available to our staff,” said Patient Access Supervisor Mirjana “Mira” Antic. “If they need help, they can reach out via Teams anytime. To show support, we discuss issues in weekly emails and try to find better solutions for things that may need more attention.”

“We’re charged with leadership, but it’s the folks on the ground, so to speak, who are the experts, and it’s important to tap into that,” added Patient Access Manager Anthony Dickerson. “Even when we’re looking at process revisions, as a leadership team, we make sure we have everyone’s perspective so we don’t end up with tunnel vision.”

As a newcomer to the PAS team, Dickerson appreciates a work culture in which everyone has an opportunity to feel heard and work together on change and growth. “It’s refreshing,” he said. “We all have different ideas, and it’s important that staff see themselves as peers whenever possible. We get their engagement on any challenges and how we can help them overcome those. For us, as leaders, it’s a lot more about being in a support role and engaging them in the process.”

This supportive, empowering mindset and the thoughtful, dedicated actions of PAS team members are fostered in a very important way: with reinforcement from senior leadership.

“Diane Ward [patient access assistant director] recognizes the value in supporting employee well-being, and I am thankful to work in an organization that promotes appreciation and engagement,” said Patient Access Manager Angela Owens.

“One of the challenging things when you’re talking about well-being and employee engagement is the consistency,” she added.

They ensure consistency by focusing on small but meaningful acts that are easy to maintain.

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“One of the fun things we started doing recently is sharing a picture that everyone can caption,” Owens said. “We also visit each location as we can. We work with an amazing team of individuals. We want them to know we care about them, and we appreciate their hard work and dedication. We do a lot of walk-throughs and like to give out treat bags personally. Our staff are on campus all the time, so we have a presence in each area. Mira is forever bringing in treats; I know Costco loves her!”

In addition to fostering connection through sweet treats, Antic, who oversees staff scheduling, empowers and encourages team members to communicate with one another and advocate for themselves when possible if scheduling issues arise. “I let them work with each other, especially when they are requesting time off for holidays or when a schedule is already posted and they want more time,” she said.

Whether it’s a tasty treat, a caption contest or the knowledge that anyone at anytime can reach out to talk through a difficult situation — whether work-related or personal — the PAS team strives to cultivate compassion, inclusion and fun so that everyone feels respected and valued. They understand that these qualities are equally as important as skill and work ethic in maintaining stamina and well-being in a fast-paced health care environment.

This story was originally published in UK HealthCare's internal newsletter for providers and staff, "Vital Signs."

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