The Seen & The Unseen

In health as in life, things happen on multiple levels and layers. There is the seen and the unseen, functioning together. 

This reality speaks to the structure and nature of the human mind - and to human perception in all its aspects. We perceive what we can perceive at the moment, given our individual differences, the structures of our personalities, our intellects, and the extent of our ability to filter and absorb input tied to external realities. 

The seen and the unseen. With a few capitalized letters and some border quotes, it might be a film title about a vigilante pursuit of some outlaws in the American West. A sheriff or a group of bounty-hunters sets out to capture an outlaw on the lam. A metaphor lurks in this fictional plot. To achieve resolution, we too must identify and chase down those elements of our health that flee detection in some hidden cave or canyon.

How do we learn to detect the undetected? First, we must understand the reasons why factors that affect our health may hide beyond our perception or recognition:

  1. They are simply elusive;
  2. They nest behind other, more visible factors;
  3. We have not developed the necessary skills to detect their presence;
  4. A combination of these factors works to block a positive outcome.

The outlines of our task are now clear, and we need to consider a plan and its execution: 

  • First, to accept and absorb that reality contains different layers, and we are after the unseen layers;
  • By increasing awareness, and "awareness of our awareness" (how we perceive), we prepare for the task;

  • We train at the search, improving our detective abilities;
  • We are patient with our efforts and learn to embrace the pursuit for better health.

Our health is a system, a kinetic and dynamic interaction of parts, body and soul. Human physiology is the first expression of that reality, a delicate and complicated mechanism possessing an intricate ecology. To learn more about our physiology is a starting point to increasing awareness of the seen and the unseen. 

Learning how we think and feel is another critical step to working like that imaginary sheriff or bounty hunter. Like them, we can train to scout our targets. We can assume command of our health through positive and vigilant monitoring. We can descend levels and discover keys to becoming truly healthy and content.

For more philosophies and strategies to better health, go to




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