Recruitment world - It’s been a blast but it’s moving fast!

Recruitment world - It’s been a blast but it’s moving fast!

The past year in the recruitment world has been one of the most eventful and interesting ones that I can recall. The UK recruitment market has grown to record levels fueled by strong placement and vacancy growth and a severe lack of candidate availability.

Technology continues to innovate and transform our industry challenging recruiters to do what they have for many years been very good at, adapting and embracing. Something I think as an industry we should be very proud of. Marry this with traditional recruiting values and skills and you seem to have the recipe for good growth. Certainly that’s what we have seen during 2015, although it’s certainly not been all plain sailing for sure.

How about 2016 though? If only we could predict the future!

Well, there is always a build up of hope for the ‘January rush’ as the period over Christmas is used as a time of contemplation and the creation of new years resolutions, hopefully including career evaluations. But there is no guarantee that the many issues that are still out there affecting markets such as Oil & Gas or geographical areas such as a recent Australia slowdown or China will not have an overall impact on any further potential growth. In fact here in the UK there are still concerns that the public sector will tighten as austerity continues to take hold, that IR35 implications still exist and that we are still living in very turbulent times.

One thing overall though which will still fuel positive markets for recruiters is the need for good staff that simply don’t exist in volume. All markets will never be the same and I have spoken to many industry leaders predicting growth particularly in specialist niche markets, with finance, technology particularly mobile technology being touted as the ones with huge potential for 2016. The ONS have been reporting significant wage growth in certain sectors and average rises in others.

The employment market will continue to evolve, innovate and present opportunities and challenges. The world of work and the recruiters place in that world will change as our 24/7 work-anywhere culture with ever changing tools and technologies continues through 2016, exciting times indeed. So enjoy the festive season, review 2015, look to you’re new recruitment future and go for it in 2016.

Wishing you all within the recruitment world a very merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.


Daniel Griggs is founder of Delta Genesis Consulting sharing recruitment knowledge by offering the recruitment world and users of recruitment services access to managerial, training and executive support on an advisory, interim or non-executive basis. He has over twenty-seven years professional business-to-business experience having been in the Recruitment world since his first role in 1989. He has worked for small, medium and global staffing businesses developing an in-depth knowledge of the industry. Holding roles that have seen him progress from consultant to board level whilst recruiting, training, managing, directing and developing businesses both domestically and internationally in several sectors. You can also follow him on twitter @DeltaGenesisCon

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