Raising Awareness for Mental Health at the CMA

Raising Awareness for Mental Health at the CMA

Each May, Mental Health Awareness Week brings the UK together to focus on improving mental wellbeing. This year, the theme is movement: move more to improve mental health.

It is no secret that physical activity has many benefits to our mental health. But what are the benefits? Being active:

·         Decreases stress hormones

·         Improves sleep

·         Slows cognitive decline

·         Encourages us to meet new people

·         Enhances self-esteem

·         Reduces anxiety

At the CMA, we have a range of sports and leisure clubs that help our staff stay physically and mentally active. To mark Mental Health Awareness Week, colleagues across the organisation have shared their experience on how participating in the CMA’s sport clubs has positively shaped their mental health.

Physical activity for improved mental health at the CMA

The CMA Wanderers meet after work, every Monday once a week, to play football whilst winding down from the day. James Hicks, Assistant Economist and keen player of the CMA Wanderers, reflects on how weekly football training with colleagues helps his mental health.

“Sport can be a great way to let off steam after a day working and always puts me in a good mood (unless maybe me team loses)”, James noted.

“Playing football as part of the CMA wanderers is a great opportunity to de-stress, catch up with colleagues, and get moving after sitting at your desk. Getting moving is good for your physical and mental health and I am glad that the CMA has so many initiatives to help support this.”

CMA wanderers

Poppy Freeman, Assistant Economist and member of the Edinburgh running club, also commented on the benefits of exercise for her mental health.

For Poppy, sport is something she’s always relied on to look after her mental health: “it is a great way to switch off from work and allows me to meet new people and discover new places.”

Poppy went on to say that the Edinburgh office running club is a great example of how physical exercise positively shapes her mental wellbeing.

“We have the opportunity to run in beautiful places like Holyrood Park and the Meadows, and it’s a great way of socialising with CMA colleagues in other professions!”

Edinburgh running club

We also spoke to Sam Rodda, Assistant Economist and member of the Cabot running club.

“Running is a great way to get moving and unwind after a day at work. Our runs from the Cabot are a fun way to explore the local area and meet colleagues from across the CMA.”

Cabot running club

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