Questions to ask to reflect on this past year.

Questions to ask to reflect on this past year.

The end of the year is a time to reflect, take stock of the year past, and plan for the year ahead. Each year I share an article with 12 questions to help guide a year-end reflection. A year has passed yet it feels like a nano-moment since the last year-end reflection. Not surprising – our lives, work and society move at an unprecedented pace.


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This year’s questions touch on this theme of pace and change which I wrote about in a recent Globe and Mail article, “Are you ready for the innovation economy?” Whether you identify with the innovation notion or not, the core message is that significant forces are creating seismic changes in how we live and work. No one individual, organization, or even sector is immune from the disruptive changes at play. While a few years back taxi drivers, photo technicians, music/video stores, travel agents may have been the early face of this disruption narrative – today even those with seemingly steady careers within traditionally stable sectors like banking, financial services, and other areas – are confronting new realities.

With opportunities and threats abound, we need to be on our toes as we head into the new year. To help you take stock and prepare for the year ahead, take time to reflect on this year’s question.


What went well? This is a staple question I ask each year. It’s far too easy to bypass the wins and the good that comes within any year. When working hard, fast, and often in challenging contexts, our brains tend to erase the positive as we focus on the loads and pressures at hand. But remembering the good fuels our wellbeing and gives us internal resources to step up to the challenges. Take stock of what went well this year and know that nothing is too small to own, celebrate and bring forward as positive fuel for the days and year ahead.

What surprised you? American elections aside, life is always full of surprises. Whether for better or otherwise, the skills of the day are adaptability, heartiness, and resourcefulness. Reflect on the surprises that came your way – and then on how you responded. What do you notice about your ability to adapt and pivot within the unexpected? Those who are nimble and quick are better primed to seize opportunities and work with change. Resistors insisting on certainty and/or the same way of doing things can find themselves stressed out and side-lined.

What did this year teach you? Every experience for better or worse can be a ‘teacher’ if we use it well. How did you grow from your year? What insights, knowledge, skills were gained or reinforced? Consider those beyond just the technical skills by reflecting on skills related to self awareness, trust, adaptability, resourcefulness, resilience. These core internal skills are critical today and will stead you well in the year(s) ahead.

What are you noticing or even having hunches about? Sometimes if feels like change comes out of the blue. But often there are early signs and/or hints abound. Think about the year past and your world of work (and life). What signs or even inklings of change need to be heeded? Where might the opportunities come from? What are you ignoring that can put you at risk? Paying attention with an open mind and some self trust can prepare you better for even the seemingly unknown.

What needs to be left behind? Old ideas, poor habits, and self-limiting behaviours – ahh, who doesn’t have at least a few of these? When life and work pressures demand the best of us it is a good idea to take stock of what’s no longer working and might be holding us back. Also, ask yourself if it’s time to let some doors close this year (if they must) and shift your energy to new areas of opportunity? Where do you need to discard ideas, strategies, and ways of doing things that don’t work any more despite your best efforts?

Wrap up your year with a name that fits: Give 2016 the distinctive, memorable quality it deserves by considering the stand-out experiences and lessons and complete this phrase: “2016 was the year of ___.


Where do you need to go next? Think about the changes showing up (internally and externally). What’s next for you professionally and personally? Even if you don’t have precise answers yet, staying in this question will keep you on your toes so that you can plan and pivot to opportunities more easily. To paraphrase the famous words conveyed by Wayne Gretzky, ‘Focus on where the puck is headed and skate towards there.’

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