Principles To Live Your Best Life And Succeed In Your Career

Principles To Live Your Best Life And Succeed In Your Career

Principles To Live Your Best Life And Succeed In Your Career

I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but you will die someday. It probably won’t be tomorrow or next week, but it will absolutely happen eventually. I probably just lost three-quarters of the readers who just opened my book. For the intrepid 25% who are left, you clearly are intelligent, tough-minded and strong-willed. That’s what you need to make it in this world. 

It is mission critical to cultivate a set of core values and guiding principles to keep you focused, grounded, motivated and heading toward the right direction of your hopes and dreams. Without an operating code of guiding principles and the right positive mindsets, it’s too easy to flounder, get stuck in a rut, and never advance in your life, career, mental health and building long-term, generational wealth. 

We only have a limited amount of time in this life and  you mustn't squander it on wasteful pursuits that distract you from becoming the type of person you always aspired and desired to be, and achieve everything you want to accomplish.

It is essential to take time to establish your own personal internal compass– commandments specifically tailored to empower you to live your best and most rewarding, meaningful and fulfilling life. You will need to start getting in touch with your inner core values, and work hard at designing, building and executing a game plan to live your ideal life.

If you are not sure about what the hell I am talking about, currently lack focus, direction or need help, I’m here for you!  

You can start with some small steps. Treat each day as a new beginning. Don’t get caught up in all your past failures and regrets. Forget about prior indiscretions, feuds, animosities or something a family member said to you 20 years ago. That is history, and this is now. You are not that person any longer. 

There are no “what ifs”—only “what’s next.” So, you made the wrong choice over which college to attend or chose the wrong major. You got into the job market after the financial crisis or during the pandemic. You didn’t have a mentor or get the big break. You must move on and forget about the “what ifs.” 

There are so many successful people who made it big later in life. They learned from their mistakes and then skyrocketed their careers. Some people made all the so-called right choices, did well at first and now are just flatlining. Your life and career are long-term marathons—not sprints.

Be the person you always wanted to be, as it's never too late. Don’t live to solely impress others or live out someone else’s plan for your life. Even if you fail, it will be on your own terms as your own person. You don’t want to look back when you are 90 years old and say you should have done x, y, or z. Do the hard things  now to make the 90-year-old you happy and proud.

Follow the career choice that is right for you. Acquiescing to a job or profession because you think it will make your parents happy and get them off your back or to impress your friends and neighbors is not a long-term recipe for success. You will end up being miserable. 

As a CEO and executive recruiter for 25-plus years, I can’t begin to tell you how many lawyers and other professionals in “high status” jobs that I have spoken to who made their career decision for the wrong reasons and are terribly miserable, wearing golden handcuffs and living sad lives of “quiet desperation.” They’re making a lot of money, but lack a mentally healthy work-life balance, and are stressed and anxious almost all the time. Instead, find and pursue a career path that aligns with your values and suits your skills, temperament and abilities. Also, make sure you can earn a living.

Complaining is a waste of the short precious time that we have. Life is unfair. It’s short and brutal. We die at the end of our movie. Usually, it ends quite badly. Since we all know this, why trouble yourself with complaining and whining? It doesn’t help. It actually makes you feel worse and bothers anyone who listens to you. Accept what you can’t change and spend the time allotted to complaining toward changing what’s within your power.

Don’t sit around waiting for something to happen. Act. Be assertive and take a meaningful step forward. Make your own breaks in this world and create your own opportunities. Nobody cares if you fail and nobody will hand you a life. You need to build it yourself.

Figure out what you want to do with your life and career. Then, work on how to make it happen. Stop sleepwalking through life. Appreciate what you have. Work toward what you want. Take time to appreciate the beauty that surrounds you. It could be your spouse, children, friends, a nice spring day or a new puppy. Enjoy, appreciate and savor the here and now.

Jim Barratt, CPA, CFF

Forensic Accountant | Former SEC Enforcement Accountant | Fraud Investigator | FCPA Expertise | Internal Audit Director | Chief Problem Solver | Author | Podcast Host


Congratulations on the book!

Walt T.

Team Leader - Coles Services


it is a good lift for some tho....

Walt T.

Team Leader - Coles Services


Most people Learn the hard way, Years, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds and Events are the Greatest Learning Experiences, We all Different in the aspects on how we growp, where we are coming from, whos you mum and dad, country origin, religion, society, lanugage and many others, we see things differenlty, I have thousands examples mainly all linked to life events from work, immigration, learning, work, society, WAR, sutding, sickness, pain, and all the words we know as humans relevant to what we do on the daily basis, even dying is another big subject on how individuals sees it , we are all humans however we see for instance Death differenlty according to the individual. one last example since I can go forever talking about this, however I need to stop writing. for insatance some People and I beleive most people beleive theres life after death, some tho beleives and do link this to before you born you didnt exist same as when you die you not longer exist othe than memories for the people whom met you as time goes by even memories get eventually earsed for Good - so just a matter of time.

Jack Kelly

Forbes, Board of Directors Blind, Founder and CEO of The Compliance Search Group and, Co-host of the Blind Ambition Podcast

Mark Anthony Dyson

“The Job Scam Report” on Substack | "The Voice of Job Seekers" | I hack & reimagine the modern job search | Freelance Careers Writer | Thinker | Speaker | Features: Forbes, Business Insider, Fast Co., LinkedIn News | ΦΒΣ



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