Persona Development for Enhanced Engagement

Persona Development for Enhanced Engagement

In the ever-evolving landscape of Marketing and Communications within my organisation, the quest for more impactful engagement strategies remains a top priority. One strategic tool to achieve this is creating SUPPORTER PERSONAS – this approach can transform how we as an organisation connect with our supporters going forward.

Clarifying the Strategic Imperative

The main objective is to amplify engagement. For us in marketing and communications, this translates to a deeper understanding of the audience and tailoring approaches that resonate on a personal level.

Data Analytics: Leveraging Existing Data

Our databases contain invaluable insights - a comprehensive engagement history that includes frequency, recency, and value (RFM) variables. From volunteering to participating in fundraising challenges and corporate events, our supporters leave a rich tapestry of involvement that requires closer examination.

External Insights

Can free data sources provide reliable insights? Social media analytics, government census data, and open-source databases offer valuable external perspectives. However, these require thorough cross-verification to ensure data reliability.

Transforming Data into Personas

Our data must be distilled into segments such as Regular Donors, Challenge event Enthusiasts, churches, schools, and Corporate Supporters.

Collaborative Insight Generation

To bridge gaps in demographics, informed assumptions play a role. Yet, we recognise the importance of comprehensive data input and are actively seeking it.

To refine these personas, we could deploy surveys, seeking insights into age groups, income ranges, and educational backgrounds. By incorporating professional perspectives, the aim is to enhance our understanding and refine our communication strategies.

Tailoring Strategies for Impact

Armed with such refined personas, we can navigate the exciting phase of tailoring communication strategies. Newsletters, social media content, and fundraising campaigns are meticulously crafted to resonate with the unique preferences of our audience.

If you are a professional data analyst capable of providing pro bono assistance in developing a comprehensive data analytics strategy for a homeless charity, please get in touch with me.

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