New Year, New Country

I am sure like many of you out there in my LinkedIn network, you sat and over Christmas/ New Year, you looked at what 2018 will bring for you. After you got through the obligatory, lose weight, drink less and all the other compulsory processes that you go through when writing your New Year, New Me resolutions you focussed in on what you want your work to look like.

In 2016 I did just that and decided that I wanted to work abroad. After being told 1000's of times, that the world is a 'small place' and the need to broaden my horizons, I searched for internal opportunities to get me out of London and was lucky enough to get a chance to move to HK.

16 months post touch down, I will certainly not be looking back anytime soon! On a work level, my world has been revolutionised learning from different cultures and ways of working. I have been lucky enough to be successful in my time here, bringing things that I have learnt from London and a refreshing approach for my clients has been well received by them. Having also pushed through a glass ceiling that had potentially existed had I not made the plunge to work abroad.

On a personal level, I have made contacts and friends who will be a fixture wherever I end up next. I have seen places I never thought I would, experienced things I never thought I would, eaten food I CERTAINLY never thought I would.

Also most interesting (having been there at Christmas), I can confirm London is still there............ Why do I write this, if in your resolutions a more challenging scenario at work was high on your list, consider abroad, in fact, I would promote it.

This leads to the question/ discussion point, what holds more people back from setting sail and moving abroad?

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