No More Excuses
Jack Kelly, Publishing

No More Excuses

Excuses hold you back from success and personal growth. They prevent you from taking action and moving forward toward your goals, keeping you stuck in your career and in life. They waste your energy, feed fears and deny you valuable life lessons, as you are too afraid to even try. They are often rooted in fear—fear of failure, success or not being good enough. 

By making excuses, you're allowing these fears to control your actions and limit your potential. Excuses keep you in your comfort zone, causing your world to become small and more restrictive over time. They shift responsibility away from yourself, enabling a victim mentality that strips you of your agency and the ability to take control of your life. It creates a negative cycle that kills your drive and momentum.

By eliminating excuses, you can start making intentional choices that align with your goals, allowing you to live a more purposeful life. It will force you to be honest with yourself and confront reality. Overcoming the habit of making excuses empowers you to take responsibility for your life, face challenges head-on and actively work toward achieving your aspirations.

Common Excuses People Tell Themselves—And How You Can Dispel Them

By challenging these excuses, reframing them as opportunities for growth and focusing on developing skills, resilience and a proactive mindset, individuals can overcome self-imposed limitations and pursue their career or entrepreneurial aspirations with confidence and determination. 

"It was easier to do this in the past when everything was less expensive."

While economic conditions may change, adaptability and innovation are key to navigating challenges. Instead of dwelling on the current conditions and complaining about it, focus on finding creative solutions and leveraging your current resources and opportunities.

"I'm too old or too young to do it!"

Age should not be a barrier to pursuing your goals. Both young and older individuals have unique perspectives and strengths that can contribute to success. Embrace your experience or youthful energy as assets in your endeavors.

"I don't have enough time!"

Busy schedules and time commitments can lead some to use lack of availability as an excuse for not pursuing their desired career or entrepreneurial dreams. Effective time management and prioritization can help individuals carve out time for their ventures.

Don't settle for mediocrity. You only have one life to live. Make the best of it. If you really want to do something special, you'll find the time. The goal is to never have to look back regretting not going after what you wanted.

"I don't have the money, right connections and didn't go to an Ivy League university." 

While financial resources and connections can be beneficial, they are not the sole determinants of success. Resourcefulness, networking and continuous learning can help overcome these perceived limitations.

"I've never succeeded. I'm afraid to try because I might fail again."

Fear of failure is common, but should not paralyze you from taking risks. Failure is a natural part of growth and learning. Each setback provides valuable lessons that can lead to future success. Reframing failure as a learning opportunity and embracing setbacks as part of the growth process can help individuals overcome this fear and take calculated risks.

"I don't know how to start a business."

Lack of knowledge or information can be a common excuse for not taking the risk of starting a business. However, there are abundant resources available to learn and get started, making this excuse easily surmountable.

Financial constraints often deter individuals from taking risks in entrepreneurship. Despite this, many successful businesses have started with minimal funding, emphasizing the importance of resourcefulness and creativity in overcoming financial barriers.

Dahna M. Chandler, MPS

Social Impact Communications Consultant for Opportunity Finance Sector Organizations | Financial Inclusion Advocate | Doctoral Researcher | Award-Winning Finance Journalist | Wealth Literacy Authority | I speak finance.


This is a great reminder to push through excuses, use the resources you have until you can get more you want and don’t let things you can’t change (age, other identifiers, where you went to school) hold you back. Find your people, because there are those who will work with you or buy from you based on the value what you can offer, ignoring what you can’t. Honestly, I’ve found when you’re in business for yourself, most target customers and clients don’t care about what an employer would. But even if you’re looking for a job, push past those who care more about what you look like on “paper” to those who care more about how you solve their challenges. Then, persist toward success. Just don’t expect it overnight. Whatever you do, don’t give up! Does all that make sense?

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