Medicare Coverage Meeting 21st Century Healthcare Needs

Medicare Coverage Meeting 21st Century Healthcare Needs

Myong Lee, President & COO Clever Care Health Care Plan

September 15, 2021

The Medicare coverage space is very complicated, even for those that work within the space, let alone for the senior and multicultural communities of California. All too often with offerings that do not even meet the overall wellness needs of those we are meant to serve.

Today’s healthcare space is so populated with offers making it even more difficult for consumers to decide what may be best for them. Most Medicare Advantage Plans do not differentiate from one another. Most offer traditional options at a variable of costs driving the consumer to only choose what financially best fits their needs, which may not always be what best suits their overall health and wellness.

We at Clever Care Health Plan took a new approach, a more integrative and cultural approach to our Medicare Advantage offerings. Today’s beneficiary is far more advanced in addressing their overall healthcare and wellness needs. Many, particularly in the Southern California community, take a much more preventative and holistic approach, which is what our company and its offerings are based upon.

Integrative medicine and its approaches to healthcare are growing across the country. Currently, leaders in medicine are taking this more holistic approach to care, incorporating both clinical based medicine with eastern methodologies such as acupuncture, meditation, tai-chi, yoga and herbal supplements. This approach has shown to reduce the need for pain medicines such as opioids and alleviates stress that contributes to ailments such as high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis among other maladies that greatly impact us as we age.

The Southern California Community, like many communities in major DMAs across the country is a very diverse one. This diversity also plays into the population’s overall healthcare needs and its demand for greater options that can improve overall wellness and lifestyle needs. The Clever Care approach is founded upon our deep understandings of eastern cultures that have applied these very methodologies that are in demand within Asian communities and are rising within our Southern California communities and major cities throughout the country.

Additionally, one of the most important aspects of care is an understanding of the communities you serve, something that has too often been lost by large managed care companies, which drove us to founding Clever Care Health Plan. We are not just business leaders in healthcare, we are members of the communities we serve. We are caretakers and providers with aging family members that we want to ensure have the best quality care.

We created our company based on this philosophy and are the first to offer coverage that is inclusive of this unique approach to Medicare Advantage plans that include comprehensive health benefits integrated with supplemental benefits incorporating eastern health and wellness solutions for Medicare beneficiaries.

Today’s seniors are more active and overall healthcare coverage needs to change to meet their needs. Studies have proven that when our seniors are engaged through engaging practices such as tai-chi, yoga among others you see in overall increase in wellness, a decrease in early mortality rates and cost-savings in healthcare spending.

Clever Care is the first in Southern California to take such a transformational approach to preventative healthcare meeting the needs of our 21st century Medicare recipients. This offering allows for coverage that meets both their healthcare and financial needs and has an overall positive impact on both quality care and wellness. Hopefully others will follow, placing patient care and needs first. 

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