Logos = People

Logos = People

I like a good logo. They are much harder to do well, then most people imagine. How one image captures the essence of an entire brand/company/effort is rather amazing. I love my logo. It makes me smile almost every time. My friend Brent Whitsett created it for me. 

There are a few elements that make a logo great...1. Ability to capture the vibe of the organization in the graphic 2. Memorability of what the graphic stands for 3. Inspiration for expectations of service.

Of course, it’s not the graphic that perpetuates those realities - it’s the people who embody those characteristics and live them out consistently that make a logo strong. This year I’ve had the good fortune to interact with many companies, non-profits, associations - each having their own distinguishing look. I put them on a page so you could see them...

When I look at that page and you look at it, we see it differently… you see an organization and I see a person. As much as I dig the logos, I dig the people they represent even more… and more than just the employees, I see an actual individual (or a few) for each logo. They aren’t just a giant company or school or association or government agency… they are individuals working really hard to serve people, create excellence, empower leaders and fulfill their own purpose here on planet earth. I’m honored to call them friends and colleagues and clients. On the page above I see... Lorinda, Shelby, Toby, Jennifer, Josh, Nancy, Emma, Tywanna, Ann-Marie, Lindsey, Julie, Rodney, Dawn, Carrie, Terri, Deb, Laura, David, Heather, Melinda, Joy, Sarah, Debi, Debbie, Julie, Roxanna, Brian, Marret, Maggie, Debbie, Catherine, Adrienne, Ameyka, Andrea, Joanna, Chrystal, Tanis, Leslie, Cynthia, Dean, Stephanie, Joel, Brian, Scott, Nate, Sara, Emily, Chad, Maggie, Blaire, Natalie, Brad, Krystal, Joe, Tom, Gloria, Randy, Judy, Brandon, Lindsey, Kathryn, Mitzi, Karen, Chris, James, Amy, Wendy, Lindsey, Kyle, Beth, Michael, Shelby, Julie and Carol*.

I like that… I like that these stellar individuals reflect and represent entire organizations. And it’s a helpful perspective to never forget all organizations are made up of individuals.

As we close out 2015, I'm grateful for these fantastic people, their organizations, the opportunities they've provided and the relationships that have grown. I hope 2016 far surpasses their expectations!

What logos do you look at and see people? 


As Owner/Instigator of Hawks Agency, Greg challenges and empowers leaders, teams and organizations to reach for Greatness. Primarily through Keynotes, Corporate Training and Consulting, his energetic approach invigorates individuals, organizations and associations. Discover more at www.HawksAgency.com. Greg can't help you with logo creation, but he can help make the values your logo represent, take hold in a significant way within your organization. 

*I refrained from linking their names to their LinkedIn account... but I'm happy to introduce you to any of them. They're great people to know!

Greg Hawks: thanks for the feedback and good advice on the logo. Yes, I saw the schedule ... my first thought was, "well, I hope to get some kind of audience after Greg's room has filled to capacity ;-)" ... then my second thought was, "Hey! I get to see David McLaughlin this year!"

ok ... I'd appreciate your feedback on my updated photo with my logo included, please

oh! that looks awful! wait a minute ...


Well said, Greg Hawks ... also, I think your logo is great, too, including the embedded joy (since it spells "HA!", the root of laughter ;-) Here is a (very) crude version of my logo (which I haven't used in awhile, but may bring it back to life) ... I think I'll try to add it to my photo as you cleverly did! |\ /| | \/ | | /\ | |/---\|

David McLaughlin

Creating modern leaders. Author I Coach I Consultant I Speaker I Facilitator - Leadership, Organizational Development, Management, Human Resources, Soft Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness


Good stuff! I've always said...logos don't do things, people do!


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