Let's Raise Your Set-Point

Let's Raise Your Set-Point

Had an interesting conversation with a private client today. Things were flowing nicely. Client had a great past month of sales. Client had a great month of future sales lined up. Then, as if by magic "things" started happening that derailed the momentum. Does this sound familiar?

You're bopping right along. Everything is lining up great. You've got a little money in the bank, you're enjoying work and then... your car breaks down, the dog gets sick, you get in an argument with someone, your feelings are hurt so you eat some comfort food, then you get on the scale and...

You're left thinking WTF? And then, you find yourself right back where you've been before. You have distractions of emotional events and reasonable excuses to take you off your goal... You think this is "just the way it is."

But it's not. What has happened in your past and what you did just then, was revert to your old set point. You didn't mean to, but your subconscious created circumstances to keep you in your "same" place. They look totally reasonable, but they aren't. They are "comfortingly sabotaging."

These things showed up to take you back to your comfort zone- or "set point" of how much good you can actually receive in your life.

But there you are, eating your comfort food, bank account back down where you comfortably recognize your struggle, more convinced than ever that this is your life.

This is a lie. This is not "just your life." There is not some rule that says you can't have 2 (and three and four and many more) months in a row of consistent success. Months where your income actually feels good. It supports the life you desire- not just paying the bills, meeting your financial demands.

So, were' back to WTF happened? You ready for this? Your subconscious mind found a way to reset you to your comfort zone. Don't leave- don't run away thinking I'm full of crap. Hang on. You see, your subconscious mind is powerful and cunning. Truth be told it was only trying to help you.

See, all your life it has been programmed to keep you safe and to the subconscious mind safe = same. So, when you, like my client, get on a roll of financial well-being, joy at work, happy relationships... and this isn't what you're used to, self-sabotage happens. Raise your hand. You know what I'm talking about. The difference is, now you know "wtf" is happening. This is why you can't seem to get ahead. This is why you can't maintain the upward trajectory of life that you so desire. This is why you revert back to some level of comfort- even though it isn't that comfortable.

When you learn to harness the subconscious mind and re-program it to create the NEW comfort zone- the one that actually includes financial freedom, joy at work, happy relationships... then, you are able to accept larger and larger amounts of good in your life. You will stop re-setting back to the "known" which you currently don't want.

This is what I designed my signature I'm Possible Discovery System to do: teach you to harness the subconscious, reprogram it and begin using it to create the work and life you love.

Sure, you've been to seminars. You've read books. You've numbed out with drinking. You've delved into your bible. But none of this has actually moved your set point. Here you are, again.

To change this forever you have to challenge your beliefs. You will never be able to receive more good for sustained periods unless you fix your beliefs. Your beliefs drive your behaviors. Your behaviors are what create your results. This is why your behaviors: reading self-help, numbing out, crying out to your higher power, never lasted. You tried to put behaviors in place without fixing what you believe about yourself.

Common mistake, but time to stop making it. If you want to love the work you do and make money that supports your DESIRED life you got to fix the self-belief. I can help you do this.

It doesn't take long and it's way less expensive than a year of counseling, which keeps you re-hashing old stuff, but isn't necessarily focused on moving you out of that to the new set point. My system is all about raising the set point. I will teach you exactly what you need to know to fix your beliefs so you can love your work and get paid handsomely for doing it; no matter your industry. In 6 weeks, I will guide you to:

  1. Create a vision of what you really want in your life: work and financial. When you know what you want, you can clearly direct the subconscious mind to work on THAT instead of re-setting you backwards. This isn't a casual, "Gee, I think a new Mercedes would be nice..." This is a serious, what do you REALLY want your life to look like, feel like, sound like... how do you wish to experience the one life you've been given? You'll use my Possibility Playbook to get this out of your head and onto paper. (Which, is actually level one of physical manifestation of your dreams!) BTW, if you want the Mercedes, you CAN have it.
  2. Learn and implement the 7 foundation Universal Laws. Use these to stop resetting back to your comfort zone. It really isn't that great anyway. When you understand how the laws work- and they always work, just like the law of gravity- you have certainty. Stop wasting time and money chasing solutions that are outside of you. Stop looking to the world for the answers. Stop your dang self-sabotage. Using these laws, you will create the new comfort zone. One that actually includes comfort, ease, and grace- in work and finances.
  3. Put the science of getting rich into practice without guilt. Do you even know getting rich has been reduced to a science? There are principles and practices that make wealth inevitable to you - no matter your industry. You don't have to leave your job to receive more money, but if you are working in a soul-sucking career and you want something different, this system will prepare you. Either scenario: doing work you love, but wanting more money OR creating a whole new career with financial freedom- the science works for both scenarios. While we're on money, do you know, desiring wealth is not bad? In fact, it is paramount to developing a deeper faith in your higher power- the true source of all. If any of this feels wonky to you, that's a signal you need this understanding in a big way.

In 6 weeks, you can raise your set point of good and accept more and more without reverting to the old set point/comfort zone, which is not so comforting.

The system consists of audio teachings delivered online. 3 on creation, 3 on abundance, and 18 on The Science of Getting Rich. You'll watch 1 video training on reprogramming the subconscious where I'll teach you the statement and the question that will support you for the rest of your life. Every time you want to take your set point to the next level, you'll use them. You'll start the journey in the Possibility Playbook which is the first step in physical manifestation. All along the way, I will support you. We will share weekly live telephone calls: you and me on the phone overcoming obstacles, answering questions, learning from the group every Friday. 😁And 24-7 support in our private FaceBook group.

If you are tired of self-sabotaging, not even knowing what your subconscious is doing. If you're tired of reverting back to your lower set point. If you recognize your "comfort zone" isn't really that comfortable, and you want to get clear about what makes you happy, start creating it with certainty, and keep going without sabotage, send me a connection request with a message saying, "discovery."

We'll do a short messenger exchange to be sure you're right for getting results. I can answer questions if you have any. If we agree you're a good fit for accepting more good in your life, we'll get you started on your Possibility Playbook today.

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