Leading the VUCA World with Empathy, Humility & Inclusivity (2)

Leading the VUCA World with Empathy, Humility & Inclusivity (2)

By observing and learning from how Walmart, my employer, has reacted in the current pandemic and social events, I believe it is essential to lead the VUCA world through empathy, humility, and inclusivi­ty—the emotional foundation of the VUCA leadership.


Psychology describes empathy as the ability to recognize, understand, and share the thoughts and feelings of others. Developing empathy is vital for establishing relationships and behaving compassionately.

Em­pathy occurs in three stages: cogni­tive empathy—becoming aware of the emotional state of others; emotional empathy—engaging with and sharing those emotions; and compassionate empathy—taking action to support other people.

During this large-scale public health and social crisis, empathetic leaders believe we are all in this to­gether, and that it is vital to think of others, care for others, and always be ready to offer help and support. At a time when we all practice social distancing, it is more import­ant than ever that we remain emotionally connected.

Walmart’s CEO and his executive team have been consistently visiting the stores, clubs, distribution centers, and fulfillment centers across the country to learn about and understand employees’ and customers’ needs and concerns. They are making swift, consequential decisions that affect the lives and livelihoods of em­ployees and customers, whether the decisions involve optimizing sourcing and replenishing essential products on the shelves, or changing workplace policies, benefits, and practices.

The company is reinvesting in and enhancing the technology infra­structure to provide robust systemic support for virtual connection and team collaboration.

Walmart is also developing in­stitutional mechanisms to keep its employees and customers safe and healthy. If employees are not feeling well, have a fever, or exhibit symp­toms, they are encouraged to stay home. The company has created a new COVID-19 emergency leave policy, and an employee health screening process has been devel­oped, which includes taking each employee’s temperature each day before work.

Additionally, the company is providing gloves and masks for employees working at the front lines. Testing for COVID-19 is 100 percent covered, and access to telehealth appointments through Doctor on Demand and online COVID-19 assessments are free, for employees and family members on a Walmart medical plan. All employees have access to Resources for Living, which offers three behavioral counseling sessions at no cost.

To be continued....

Daniel E. Martin, Ph.D.

Director, Corporate Compassion Education - Stanford CCARE/TEDx Speaker/Associate Professor of Management


Donald Fan - Appreciate the insights and action. Would be great to talk more about applications, scaling and addressing the complexities of the #VUCA world along with measurable applications of #compassionateleadership, #compassion and reductions of #racist and #sexist behavior. Looking forward to chatting!

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