IC-ENC is delivering training sought by ENC producers covering both validation of ENCs but also S-100
Screenshot of the TRG21_1 Validation Program on IC-ENC LMS

IC-ENC is delivering training sought by ENC producers covering both validation of ENCs but also S-100

IC-ENC has delivered its first remote, Validation Training Course. 61 attendees from 19 ENC producers completed the eLearning content and attended the series of remote seminars. This covered the processes and software used to validate ENCs effectively.

In addition to the distribution and quality control of Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC), a core service from IC-ENC is production support where we enable all 47 of our members to produce and validate high quality ENCs, and training is an integral part of that.

In 2020, we built a new Learning Management System (LMS) to facilitate more training and this validation training was the first remote course held this year.

The course included a variety of topics including how to understand ECDIS as vital context, and understanding how ENC encoding affects display and functionality of ENCs in ECDIS systems. 

A further Validation Training Course 21_2 with tailored content and Spanish language support will be delivered later in 2021.

We are currently developing our initial series of online seminars on S-100 which are set to be launched in October. These will include an introduction to S-100 and focus on S-101.

If you would like any information on IC-ENC, the services we offer and our training, please do get in touch. 

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Graphic showing IC-ENC TRG 21_1 attendance showing Asia Pacific in Blue and Europe Middle East and Africa in Orange. Attendees for course 21_2 are shown in Green. 

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