I Started Over 300 Companies. Here Are 4 Things I Learned About Scaling a Business.

I Started Over 300 Companies. Here Are 4 Things I Learned About Scaling a Business.

Starting a business requires a delicate balance of risk, passion, intel, research and confidence in yourself. Entrepreneur contributor Dr. Christina Rahm should know — she's started over 300 businesses.

"Every business is unique," she says, "and learning what works will require trial and error. For every win I've experienced, there's been at least one failure. Every loss is an excellent opportunity to learn — so trust me when I say I've learned a lot."

No matter the business, though, some things will always be important. Here are four things Dr. Rahm always prioritizes when building a company:

  1. Passion. No successful entrepreneur can stand behind a business they have no passion for. Your passion won't falter when things get challenging, so embrace it as a motivator.

  2. Your mission, vision and value statements. Your company's mission is your passion. Your company's vision is how you'll achieve your mission. Your values will drive your decision making. It's far easier to know the "why" and figure out the "how" than to understand the "how" and fabricate the "why."

  3. Hiring. You can't achieve growth without a team supporting the business. And that's a team not a workforce: Employees that understand your company's philosophy are going to be more valuable than those with a pristine background and tons of experience.

  4. Good performances and good attitudes. Once you have your team, you need to prioritize retaining them. That means incentivizing for and rewarding good attitudes and good performances. Accommodate your team's needs as much as you can, genuinely care for them, and watch your people — and your business — thrive.

To successfully scale a business, you need to focus on what matters the most: the passion and mission behind the company and the people who make it function. Invest in those things first, then watch as your business grows.

What would you add to Dr. Rahm's list?

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Dr. Christina Rahm

🌍Global Entrepreneur | Patented Scientist | Author & Mother 🔗 Manages 22 Companies | Works in 89 Countries


Thank you! Without passion and a mission it simply doesn’t work!

Wendy Glavin

Career and Life Skills Coach / Business Consultant / Speaker / 30-Year Marketing Strategist / Agency Owner / Published Writer / Creator of #DecodeYourValue


I'd add vision, discipline, adaptability, emotional intelligence, perseverance, self-awareness, and resilience.

Bill Hewgley

Chairman & Founder @ Metalworking Solutions Inc. | Manufacturing Process Improvement


Having started and built both retail and manufacturing businesses, resulting in executing and ESOP, I would add some preliminary items to the good list above. All the passion, hard work, team building and other skills will not make a bad idea succeed. First, make sure that there is a real need and want for what you are planning to offer to the marketplace. Make sure that you have the expertise and strength to execute. Make sure that you have the capital to see it through the early years. Make sure that it will not be too easy for competitors to knock you off. Assume it will cost you more to start and revenues/margins will be less than projected. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Realize that the marketplace is what it is, not what you want it to be. Enter the battle with your eyes wide open, armed well and totally committed to success. “Burn the boats”

🐝 Samantha Wall 🐝

Digital Strategist-Further Ed/Digital Skills - MCIM / Social Entrepreneur / Social Justice ⚖️


Totally agree, the best success comes from passion, the mission & the people you’re surrounded by on that journey with you. 💫

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