How to Refresh Your Nonprofit Website With Matching Gifts
Learn how to refresh your nonprofit's website to make the most of matching gifts

How to Refresh Your Nonprofit Website With Matching Gifts

According to recent research, over 26 million people work for companies with matching gift programs. However, 78% of this group has no knowledge of their employers’ initiatives. Therefore, if you want your supporters to participate in corporate matching gifts, marketing matching gift programs effectively is a must. 

Luckily, your nonprofit’s website is one of the leading channels for effective promotion. You can link out to your site in broader marketing materials, incorporate matching gifts on your donation pages, and more.

But is your site optimized to make the most of corporate matching? We’ll share a few ideas to help you get there.

Website Refresh Idea #1: Create a Matching Gift Web Page 🎁

Elevate your website by adding a dedicated matching gift page! This online resource can become a central hub for donors to learn all about corporate matching gifts and how they can multiply the impact of their support. Include clear instructions on how to get involved, answers to frequently asked questions, and an overview of the value of the programs for your organization.

Sample Matching Gifts page

Website Refresh Idea #2: Share Info From Your ‘Ways to Give’ Hub 💸

More than likely, your ‘Ways to Give’ page is already a treasure trove of information for potential donors. Double the value of this online resource by prominently featuring matching gift opportunities on the page!

Highlight how easy it is for donors to double their contributions through matching gifts, ensuring that anyone interested in getting involved in your cause is exposed to the idea.

Sample Ways to Give page promoting matching gifts

Website Refresh Idea #3: Add Matching to Your Navigation Menu 🧭

Finding matching gift content on your website should be easy for anyone⁠—whether they were intentionally seeking it or not. One of the best ways to ensure visibility for your new matching gift resources is by linking to your Match Page directly from your website’s main navigation menu. 

When donors can easily access matching gift details from any page on your site, they are more likely to do so⁠—and to take action as a result.

Sample navigation menu promoting matching gifts

Website Refresh Idea #4: Publish Educational Blog Content 📝

If your team runs a blog on your organization’s website, use it to house longer-form information on matching gift programs. This type of educational resource can be paramount in inspiring donors to participate in their employers’ matching gift programs.

Consider publishing success stories, step-by-step guides, and more. By consistently providing valuable, educational content, you can effectively engage and inspire your community to take action with matching gifts.

Sample blog post promoting matching gifts

Bonus Resource: Check out our prewritten matching gift blog here to kickstart your online marketing efforts!

Top Tips for Optimizing Your Website Refresh 💡

As you refresh your nonprofit’s website, implement the following ideas in your strategy to maximize your efforts, engage more donors, and unlock the full potential of matching gifts.

🎨 Brand matching gift materials to your organization. 

In order to foster a sense of credibility from your first matching gift message, it’s important that your match-related content aligns with your nonprofit’s overall branding. For example, consistent use of colors, fonts, and imagery reinforces your identity and builds trust with your audience.

🛠️ Consider embeddable tools to enhance the matching experience.

Incorporate interactive elements like Double the Donation’s matching gift database and search tool directly on your website. Such a resource can streamline the process for donors, providing access to program details for more than 24,000 participating companies. From there, it’ll be easier than ever for supporters to identify eligibility and complete the request process by following personalized and company-specific instructions.

🦾 Focus on ensuring web accessibility across your efforts.

You want to ensure that your website and all matching gift materials are accessible to all visitors. That’s why it’s essential that you continuously adhere to the highest accessibility standards in your matching gift fundraising.

Best practices for doing so include ensuring a mobile-friendly design, using alternative text descriptors for images, providing closed captions for videos, and verifying that your site is easily navigable by screen readers.

Dive Deeper into Real-World Successes: Upcoming Presentation with Save the Children 🎥

Source matching gift website insights from this webinar with Save the Children

Interested in seeing how one real-world organization has implemented these matching gift strategies and more? Save the Children is talking through their matching gift page refresh⁠—and sharing how they drove traffic to the new resource⁠—in this upcoming live-stream event.

Secure your spot today! 🙋

Plus, Stay Tuned for More

Thanks for following along with our discussion today. We look forward to covering even more workplace and corporate giving topics in the next edition of Workplace Giving Digest. Until next time! ⌛

Comment your thoughts below to continue the conversation. What are some ways your nonprofit or school promotes matching gifts through your website? 

Refresh your website with 360MatchPro

Kyra Engle

Client Success Specialist at Double the Donation | Helping nonprofits maximize their matching gift revenue to increase their capability to fund their valuable missions.


Discover proven strategies from Save the Children to promote matching gifts! Our latest newsletter is packed with best practices on how to leverage matching gifts and gain greater support for your cause!

Emma Berlage

Helping nonprofits reach their matching gift potential and maximize their impact on the communities they serve | Account Executive at Double the Donation


Optimize your online presence to help boost your donor contributions and amplify your organization’s impact! If you’d like to promote matching gifts effectively using your website, this recent newsletter from our team has some great insights!

Taylor Huet

Account Executive at Double the Donation | Helping nonprofits reach their matching gift potential and maximize their impact on the communities they serve.


Is your company leveraging the full potential of your website to promote matching gifts? If you’d like to know more about how to boost fundraising donations using your website, don't forget to attend this webinar! Register today to secure your spot!

Colleen Carroll

Community & Events Lead at Double the Donation | Building meaningful relationships with nonprofit, higher education, and school professionals


Are you leveraging matching gifts on your website? I’m curious to know how your organization promotes matching gifts through your website. Share your tips and experiences in the comments below!


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