How On-Demand Tech Will Help Insurers Show Their Value Post Crisis; List of Insurance Agents, List of Loan Officers and Financial Planners

How On-Demand Tech Will Help Insurers Show Their Value Post Crisis; List of Insurance Agents, List of Loan Officers and Financial Planners

How On-Demand Tech Will Help Insurers Show Their Value Post Crisis

Since I started this series, the world’s perception of insurance and its value has changed. There are countless stories bashing the inability of insurance to protect during a pandemic. Hopefully, the world overcomes this crisis and we find a way to be better local and global neighbors amidst this challenge.

What has become clear as offices, universities and other institutions temporarily shutter is the value of on-demand, cloud-based services. Imagine the economic impact if we couldn’t work remotely (which we’ve always promoted at Slice) or if distance learning courses weren’t available. Thanks to our increasingly on-demand world, business and to some extent consumer life can still function.

So, how does this tie into claims? As we’ve previously covered, legacy paper-based insurance applications and stagnant annual policies will not work in this decade. This fact has been raised by many organizations and influencers prior to any crisis.

Let’s say you’re a brilliant entrepreneur, and you created a new product that could help the world with identifying, treating or recovering from the coronavirus. If the product was an AI software solution, you could design and launch it from the comfort of your home. As that business grows, you will likely look to general commercial insurance to cover revenue, as cybercrime is on the rise with the current situation.

Based on data from industry analysts along with experience working with our partners AXA XL and Microsoft, the SMB should really consider purchasing on-demand cyber insurance. Not only does the cumbersome (and perhaps impossible today) process of meeting face-to-face with an agent to complete a long, paper-based cyber insurance application no longer exist, but even before this crisis it was already viewed as a poor service experience.

Source: Carrier Management – 5/8/20 Author: Andy Clapson

National Flood Services simplifies flood insurance for agents and insureds

The flood insurance market has historically lagged behind other lines of business when it comes to customer simplicity, agent experience, and innovation. There has been limited progress in terms of operations and workflows within companies, the way in which agents are educated, and how the product is sold. However, one flood solutions provider that boasts a 35-year history and deep expertise in this marketplace is driving innovation and modernization into the flood insurance industry.

National Flood Services (NFS), the #1 provider of flood solutions in the US, has been on a journey over the past two years to reinvent the flood insurance business and transform access to the flood product for agents and customers. Following a major acquisition, NFS has emerged with a technology platform called Trident that enables end-to-end quoting, applications, policy management, and claims, in addition to a wealth of educational resources that serve agents and policyholders.

The transformation of the company began when PEAK6 Investments acquired NFS from Aon in 2018. At that point, the flood insurance market had lacked some of the innovation seen in other fintech sectors, creating a tremendous opportunity and need to transform the customer experience in flood. As part of the company’s reinvention, NFS launched Trident, which presents a stark contrast to how flood insurance has traditionally been quoted, sold and managed.

“Within the application, the specific questions that property owners need to answer depend on the property and will vary between customers, making the process often challenging to understand for typical agents, especially if they’re not writing flood frequently,” said Ralph Blust, CEO of NFS, adding that this creates confusion and can leave customers frustrated.

NFS determined that the quoting, application and policy management process could be significantly simplified using technology to promote a more intuitive and responsive workflow based on the initial responses of an insured. Using Trident, 85% of property owners in the United States – those of the population that are eligible for the lower-risk PRP policy – will be guided through seven questions and provided an instant quote. The platform also integrates third-party data, historical analytics, and optical character recognition (OCR) as a means of simplifying data entry to shorten the process for agent and policyholder.

“We are solving the complexity of obtaining a quote by streamlining the process and guiding the agent and the policyholder on some of the more intricate application requirements,” said Blust. “As of today, Trident is delivering immediate quotes to two out of three risks, with our goal to be at 95% of all risks getting quoted with us on an immediate basis.”

NFS has also aimed to make understanding the flood insurance industry easier for agents and policyholders to navigate by supplementing the new application process with modern training and education programs to build knowledge and expertise in flood.

On the NFS website today, agents will find over 140 videos that range from one-minute to three-minutes in length and are designed to answer specific questions that an agent or consumer might have about flood insurance. Those include how to file a claim, how to buy insurance, and whether a homeowner needs insurance, alongside many other key topics. Agents can also find longer training webinars that dive deeper into flood-related subjects, such as deciphering various policy types, the different risks that cause flood and specific requirements within the application process.

Another exciting feature on the NFS website is the library of documents available for agents to use when selling flood. “We’ve also given agents a digital library of promotional and marketing material that they can use in order to better solicit flood,” said Blust. “Most agents historically have been hesitant in quoting the flood product and our [mission] has been that if we educate the agent properly and make it easy for the agent to sell the product, more will do that.”

Since the acquisition of NFS by PEAK6, the flood solutions provider has become a technology and service provider, an advocate of flood insurance, and an education resource on the peril of flood. Being an expert across these services uniquely positions NFS because there’s no other enterprise that’s integrating all three solutions to the insurance community and to consumers.

The education component aimed at agents has been especially successful. Over a six-month period, NFS ran an integrated digital program to 13,000 agents to increase knowledge and awareness of flood. Over that time, the agents that participated in the e-learning program saw a 20% increase in policy growth all over the country, beyond just areas where flood has traditionally been sold. Considering that structures in the US today are three times more likely to have a flood than a fire over the 30-year course of a mortgage, yet only 12% of all homes are insured today for flood, promoting flood insurance education has never been more important.

“This shows that if you train agents and create awareness of the exposures that are associated [with flood], the coverage options, and how to complete an application, which is a key denominator in our platform, you can help facilitate the government’s mission to cover every structure that’s exposed to flood,” said Blust. “And that’s what we’re here to do, is to support that effort.”Source: Insurance Business Magazine  5/5/20 Author: Alicja Grzadkowska

List of Insurance Agents, List of Loan Officers and List of Financial Planners


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-California only list 186,477 Records 

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NATIONAL LIST 792,980 Records

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Lists available for Mortgage Loan Officers and Financial Planners

574,704 Mortgage Loan Officer Records

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