How Network Security Can Apply to Your Business

How Network Security Can Apply to Your Business

Every computer network, personal or business, should have a security program. Personal security may include a firewall and an updated system. It may also include technical and physical data storage. However, businesses may need to have a network policy in order to comply with industry best practices. FFIEC and Sarbanes-Oxley (for finance) and HIPAA (for health care) require that a business or organization develop a network security policy. This policy must include risk assessment and management, and regular IT audits in order to keep the system up-to-date against new attacks.

All aspects of a company's data are covered by network security standards. These include usability, reliability and integrity as well as safety. A firewall, spyware programs, intrusion prevention system (IPS), and virtual private network (VPN) are all possible ways to protect data. All of these systems require regular management and updates. Companies and organizations that use credit cards or electronic information management system (EIMS) need to protect their data. A security breach can lead to loss of business, money, fraud, identity theft, lawsuits or stolen records Fortinet panama  .

Hackers and other online criminals continue to improve their methods to bypass firewalls. Networks must be updated to counter any new threats. Although there are many threats, most fall within the following categories:

Worms are malicious code that can be inserted onto your computer's system. Viruses are often transmitted via attachments. A worm can also be found in emails. Trojans are much easier to prevent than to eradicate. Networks may have a list or block sites.

Spam can pose a slight threat to a network, but it can cause a system to shut down and clog up.

Phishing can be used to get passwords and other network access information. A phishing scam usually takes the form of an email that looks legitimate. It asks network users to click on a link to provide password information. This link is often one that appears to take them to a bank or business website. Phishing threats also include social engineering.

* The packet sniffer can also collect user data, but not via email. Instead, the user is lured into a honey pot - an unsecure network in public places - where a third party has access to the user's information and captures streams of data. This data can be used to commit fraud, steal records, money or identity theft.

Zombie computer is a spam threat that has been elevated to a greater degree. A computer infected by malware can turn into a spamming tool that sends thousands of emails across a network. A zombie computer, although difficult to spot, may cause a slowing or crashing system.


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