How market research can make or  break a start-up business

How market research can make or break a start-up business

Hi there,

I hope you're having a wonderful month so far.

In this month's newsletter we're sharing some collaborative content we did with Manchester Digital and helping you to get to know Dylan, our Software Developer.

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We recently created some content in collaboration with Manchester Digital to help start-up founders to utilise market research in a cost-effective way and debunk some common myths along the way.

When you’re in a business day in, day out, it can be hard to see things objectively. Many start-up founders assume that customers will understand their product or service - but being so close to things can cloud your objectivity. 

This is where using market research can truly make or break your business. In the start-up stages, every single little detail counts. When your funds are limited, you can’t afford to make tens of mistakes. Market research can help to pre-empt any difficulties in your offering and ultimately save you time, money and resources.

 Read the full blog

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This month in the spotlight we're getting to know Dylan, who joined us last year as our Software Developer.

What brought you into the world of market research?

After completing a course in Game Development at college, my first job was working at a web development agency. It gave me a taste of developing in a few different industries, which was useful when I came to look for a new job.

I spent a bit of time searching for a job that felt like it might be right for me and that job was here at Omnisis! I think market research is such an interesting field and I was really excited by the opportunity.

If you were stuck on a desert island and you could bring three people to join you, dead or alive, real or fictitious, who would you pick? 

Well, my first pick would have to be my girlfriend, Charlie. Then I would probably pick my favourite author, Terry Pratchett. I’d love to have long talks with him about his books.

And finally, former footballer Lucas Radebe. As a child I loved watching him play, it would be great to just have a kick about with him on the island.

Describe your ideal weekend

I think my ideal weekend would probably be taking my girlfriend and our dogs to Iceland and staying in a small house/cabin in the middle of the countryside.

Just being completely off the grid for the weekend with some snowy hills in the distance sounds ideal to me.

Favourite film, book and podcast? 

My favourite film is ‘Star Wars: Return of the Jedi’ and in my opinion, that is the best one in the series! 

My favourite book would be any of the Discworld books by Terry Pratchett. I absolutely love the world he created in those books. If I had to choose just one from the series though I would say ‘Mort’. 

And my favourite podcast is one I have recently been listening to called “Ship hits the fan” - it’s a podcast about shipping disasters throughout history and it's absolutely fascinating.

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MRS announce new market research heroes for 2022

The MRS has announced that 28 people have won the accolade of Research Hero. They include representatives from within the global research community, including from USA, Australia, India, Canada, Poland and the UK.

Read the full story here.

While the sun shines: How brands should approach Summer 2022

What does the summer of 2022 offer brands and where should they be putting their budgets if they are still undecided? Sarah Owen canvassed a number of marketing specialists – here’s what they had to say.

Read the full story here.

Breaking down cultural barriers in market research

Understanding cultural nuances and couching survey questions in a clear, jargon-free manner are essential to the success of global research campaigns. Rob Gray helps navigate the minefield that is international communication in market research.

Read the full story here.

As always, thanks for reading.


Dean Tindall

Managing Director - Sawtooth Software Europe


Great points Brian, with the rising cost of research I often worry that we price out smaller companies from our sector entirely


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