How I Make The Most Out Of Conferences: Get Ready To Rock!
AIA 2022

How I Make The Most Out Of Conferences: Get Ready To Rock!

Business is about people.

Networking is how you connect with people.

Events and conferences then, are your gateway!

Conventions are an amazing opportunity to learn, get inspired with ideas and meet other great people, industry experts and key opinion leaders!

"Networking is not about collecting contacts, it's about building relationships" - Heidi Roizen

But, as exciting as they may seem, attending one can also be a lot, and if you haven’t prepared ahead of time, you might feel like you’re missing out on the opportunities around you — trust me, FOMO is a real thing!

Having attended tons of meet-ups and events, I’ve fine-tuned my conference prep down to a science. I’m excited to share some advice on how to get ready, network effectively, and how to make the most out of these amazing experiences.

Let’s dive in:

When the conference is a couple of weeks away...

  1. Do your research.

Find the sessions that matter to you, the speakers you're excited to connect with, and, if there's an attendees list, explore it to discover potential new acquaintances. Out of all of them, pick those who makes sense to reach out to in advance. LinkedIn is your not-so-secret weapon for pre-networking and to get a clearer picture of who’s who. I get asked a lot about how to break the ice and approach someone who you want to connect with on LinkedIn.

So, here's a breakdown of how you could do it:

  • Start with a friendly greeting: Hi [name],

  • Introduce yourself: My name is [your name], and I hope you don't mind me reaching out.

  • Be personal: Refer to something that connects on a personal level, for example: "I visit [where the person is from or where they work] often for work, and it looks like we have several mutual connections, including [acquaintances] — small world!

  • Let them know why you are worth their time: I'm from [your company, product or service] and we work with XYZ companies.

  • Let them know why you want to connect: I'm going to be at [event where you both will be at] and I would love to talk with you and exchange opinions based on your experience.

  • Wrap it up: Looking forward to the possibility of connecting on [always suggest a specific date and time] and having great discussions!

  • Always be grateful: Thanks for the consideration and appreciate the candor either way.

  • Remember to always keep it short and sweet!

No answer right away? No worries! We've all been there.

But here's the deal - don't throw in the towel just yet! Besides enjoying those sessions and talks that already caught your attention, put those strategic skills to work.

Do a bit of detective work to find out where you might come across those people you hope to connect with. And even if you don't cross paths with those specific individuals, the more connections you make, the better it is for you and your business!

There’s always a networking opportunity right around the corner! So get out there, be your friendly self, and don't hold back!

Okay, you've arrived to the conference, now what?

  1. Get your intro pitch in shipshape.

Your intro pitch is your secret sauce for creating a lasting impression and connecting with potential business partners and colleagues. With your goals in mind, crafting a talk tailored to the situation is a breeze.

Keep it straight to the point! And, if you're part of a team, make sure your narratives sync up.

Now, let's delve into how you could structure that winning in-person pitch:

  • Open with a friendly greeting: Introduce yourself in a warm and engaging way. For example, "Hi [name], it's great to meet you!"

  • Genuinely connect: Convey your genuine interest for their work or accomplishments. You might say, "I've been following your work and I think it's really great what you've been up to lately [mention specific achievements or expertise]".

  • Find common ground: Showcase shared interests or goals that can form the basis of your conversation. This could include, "Our companies are 'people-first' companies — that's great!", or "I can certainly see opportunities for collaboration or insightful discussions about [mention a specific area of interest] as we operate alike".

  • Close with a high note: End your in-person pitch with an enthusiastic closing. For instance, "I'm excited about the possibility of continuing the conversation and exploring ways we can work together".

While you're at the conference, don’t forget to keep your social media platforms updated! You never know when a networking opportunity might pop-up because of something you've just shared. So, keep your socials buzzing in real-time. It's all part of making your conference experience even more vibrant and engaging!

The conference is over! However, your work isn’t done quite yet.

  1. Follow-up, follow-up and follow-up.

Try to continue the conversation and build new relationships, by doing something as simple as sending an email saying how nice it was to meet, or you can even schedule a follow-up call to discuss potential opportunities.

  • Hi, it’s me: Begin your follow-up message with a warm greeting, for example: "Hi [name], I hope you've been doing great since [the event where you met]".

  • Be grateful: Thank for the connection you made or their insights during the conference. You might say, "I wanted to thank you for our great conversation at the conference, it was truly insightful!".

  • Revisit what you've discussed: Remind them of the shared interests, topics or goals you discussed together. This could include, "I recall our discussion about [mention a specific area of interest] and how we saw opportunities for collaboration."

  • Witty comment or joke: There is always room to engage with something funny about the conversation or a witty comment regarding the chat.

  • Next steps: Suggest a potential next step for the connection or collaboration. For instance, "I believe there's great potential for us to work together on [mention a specific project or idea]. Let’s connect in [suggest specific date and time]".

  • Closing: It’s always great to close the message with a enthusiastic vibe and expressing the will to reconnect soon: “Really looking forward to connecting soon. Best!”.

These steps will help structure a follow-up message that keeps the conversation going and lays the foundation for future collaborations that continue growing your business.

Attending a conference is all about building meaningful connections and long-lasting relationships that can help you take your business, but also your life, to the very next level!

As one of the greatest businessman of all time once said:

"Succeeding in business is all about making connections." - Richard Branson

By setting clear goals and creating a game plan, you can have one of the best networking experiences ever, especially if you treat every person as an open book that you can learn from!

Go for it! Now it’s your time to shine!

About me: I'm a passionate entrepreneur, writer and women in leadership advocate. Co-founder of slantis. Speaker at Harvard University Graduate School of Design and Practice of Architecture. Wife 1x, Mom x2, Entrepreneur 1000x. Follow me to learn how we grow our awesome company!

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