How Generative AI Can be Used in PR & Marketing

How Generative AI Can be Used in PR & Marketing

Generative AI has the potential to significantly enhance your PR and marketing tasks. And not just by writing content. There are a lot of new tools and capabilities that could make your job faster, easier, and more productive.

Here are five ways in which generative AI can be leveraged for PR and marketing:

Content Generation: Generative AI can assist in creating high-quality content, such as press releases, blog posts, and social media updates. It can generate well-written, engaging copy that aligns with your brand's voice and messaging. This not only saves time but also ensures consistency in your PR and marketing communications. The keyword here is assist.

Audience Analysis and Tracking: AI plays a pivotal role in modern PR and marketing by transforming audience analysis and tracking. Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence can help you gain deeper insights into your target audiences, refine your strategies, and adapt in real-time. This is one of the most valuable benefits of using AI in PR and marketing,

Media Monitoring and Sentiment Analysis: AI can help automate the process of monitoring news articles, social media mentions, and other relevant content related to your clients or brand. It can also perform sentiment analysis on this data to gauge public perception and identify potential PR issues or marketing opportunities.

Predictive Analytics: AI can analyze historical data to make predictions about future PR and marketing trends and challenges. By leveraging machine learning models, it can help you anticipate potential crises, identify emerging influencers, and plan campaigns more effectively.

Content Personalization: Generative AI can analyze user data and behavior to personalize content for different audiences. This allows you to deliver more relevant and engaging messaging, which can increase the effectiveness of your campaigns and build stronger connections with your target audience.


While generative AI can be a valuable tool in PR and marketing, to be successful it still requires the human touch. Your knowledge and expertise remain essential for strategy development, crisis management, and ethical considerations.

AI is a supplement to your skills and experience, not a replacement. Additionally, data privacy and ethical concerns should be addressed when implementing AI in PR to ensure responsible and transparent practices.

Edit and review: AI-generated content should always be reviewed and edited by a human with PR or marketing experience. This ensures accuracy, alignment with brand voice, and the incorporation of strategic messaging.

Training and feedback: Continuously provide feedback to the AI model and fine-tune its responses to meet your specific content needs.

Ethical considerations: Be mindful of the ethical implications of using AI for content creation. Ensure that the generated content adheres to ethical guidelines, avoids plagiarism, and respects copyright laws.

Content consistency: AI can help maintain consistency in your messaging, but it's essential to balance this with the need for creativity and a personal touch that resonates with your audience.

Overall, generative AI can streamline content creation in PR, save time, and enhance efficiency. However, it should be seen as a tool that complements the skills of PR professionals rather than a replacement for human expertise and creativity.

Let’s investigate the five ways AI ca be used in PR and marketing.

Content Generation:

Generative AI can be a useful asset for when it comes to creating various types of content, such as press releases, blog posts, social media updates, and more. The secret is writing the prompt that will get the best results.

a. Press Releases: Generative AI can be programmed to produce well-structured and informative press releases.

  • Provide the AI with a clear and concise briefing, outlining the key points, messaging, and any specific details you want to include.

  • Review and edit the AI-generated content to ensure it aligns with your brand's tone and style.

  • Use AI to create first drafts, and then have a human PR professional add personal touches, statistics, images, context, and tailor it to the target audience.

b. Blog Posts: For generating blog content, consider the following:

  • Start with a clear topic or set of keywords and brief the AI accordingly. Be specific about the angle and purpose of the blog post.

  • Use AI to generate an initial draft, including the introduction and main points.

  • Add your own insights, examples, and personal anecdotes to make the content more relatable and authentic.

  • Review the content for SEO optimization, ensuring it includes relevant keywords and is structured for readability.

Tools to use for optimization:

SEMRush writing assistant.




c. Social Media Updates: AI can help in creating engaging social media posts:

  • Provide the AI with information about your brand's current events, promotions, or announcements.

  • Prompt the AI to generate draft posts, keeping them concise and attention-grabbing. Give it instructions for length of the post, tone of voice, and what audience it is for.

  • Customize posts for different platforms and audiences while maintaining a consistent brand voice.

  • Leverage AI tools for generating hashtags and analyzing performance data to refine your social media strategy.

Audience analysis and tracking: AI can aggregate vast amounts of data from various sources, including social media, web analytics, and customer databases. This data can be segmented to identify distinct audience groups based on demographics, behavior, interests, and preferences.

AI algorithms can predict future audience behavior and media preferences. By analyzing historical data, you can anticipate trends, identify emerging issues, and make informed decisions on content and engagement strategies.

Real-time Monitoring: With AI you can perform continuous, real-time tracking of audience engagement, quickly respond to emerging discussions, capitalize on trending topics, and address crises as they unfold.

Personalized Content: AI can tailor content to individual audience members based on their past interactions and preferences. This level of personalization enhances engagement and strengthens relationships with the audience.

Feedback Loop: AI allows you to collect and analyze audience feedback more efficiently. By understanding the audience's reactions, concerns, and interests, you can refine your strategies and messaging.

By integrating AI into audience analysis and tracking, it’s possible to move beyond traditional demographics and gain a more holistic understanding of your audience's behavior and sentiment. This, in turn, enables you to craft more targeted, engaging, and effective PR campaigns while responding swiftly to changing audience dynamics and emerging trends.

Here is one very smart use of AI audience analysis used in PR and media pitching.




Infegy Atlas

Media Monitoring and Sentiment Analysis:

Generative AI can be a game-changer when it comes to keeping track of media mentions, analyzing sentiment, and understanding how your brand or clients are perceived in the public eye. Here's how to leverage generative AI effectively in this context:

a. Automated Media Monitoring:

  • Set up Alerts: Use generative AI to set up automated alerts for specific keywords, brands, or topics. These alerts can cover traditional media sources, social media platforms, blogs, and forums. This ensures that you're always informed about relevant discussions and mentions.

  • Filter and Categorize: AI can help categorize and filter mentions, allowing you to focus on the most critical ones. You can define categories such as positive, negative, neutral, or even custom categories tailored to your specific needs.

  • Real-time Updates: Enable real-time updates to stay on top of breaking news and discussions. This is crucial for crisis management and immediate response.

b. Sentiment Analysis:

Sentiment Classification: Use AI to classify mentions based on sentiment. However, remember that sentiment analysis may not always be 100% accurate, so human review and context are essential for nuanced issues.

Custom Metrics: Depending on your PR objectives, you can set up custom metrics that go beyond simple positive/negative/neutral sentiment. For example, you can assess the sentiment's impact on your brand reputation, product launches, or specific PR campaigns.

Trend Analysis: Generative AI can help identify emerging trends in sentiment. By tracking sentiment over time, you can gain insights into the effectiveness of your PR strategies and campaigns.

Tips for maximizing the use of generative AI in media monitoring and sentiment analysis:

  • Customization: Tailor the AI tools to your specific needs and objectives. Define the keywords, topics, and sentiment criteria that matter most to your PR efforts.

  • Crisis Response: Set up AI alerts and triggers for potential crisis situations. Being able to respond promptly to negative sentiment or emerging issues is crucial for effective crisis management.

  • Integration with PR Strategy: Ensure that the insights generated through AI-based monitoring and sentiment analysis are integrated into your PR strategy. Use this data to refine messaging, identify opportunities, and mitigate risks.

  • Ethical Considerations: Be mindful of privacy and data protection regulations when collecting and analyzing media data.

Predictive Analytics:

Generative AI can analyze historical data to make predictions about future PR trends and challenges.

Here's how to use it effectively:

  • Data Collection and Analysis: Gather historical data related to your PR efforts, such as past campaigns, media mentions, and social media engagement. Use AI to analyze this data to identify patterns and trends.

  • Predictive Modeling: Develop predictive models that consider various factors, such as media trends, audience behavior, and competitive analysis. These models can help anticipate potential crises, emerging influencers, and PR opportunities.

  • Scenario Planning: Based on predictive analytics, create different PR scenarios and strategies. This allows you to be better prepared for a range of future events and make informed decisions in real-time.

  • Feedback Loop: Continuously update and refine your predictive models with new data. As the AI learns from real-world outcomes, it becomes more accurate in its predictions.


Ensure that your historical data is clean, accurate, and comprehensive to improve the accuracy of predictive models.

Use predictive analytics not only for crisis prediction, but also for identifying opportunities to proactively engage with your audience.

Maintain flexibility in your PR strategies, as predictions are not guarantees, and real-world events can be unpredictable.

Content Personalization:

AI can analyze user data to personalize content for different audiences.

Data Collection and Analysis: Collect and analyze data on user behavior, preferences, and demographics. AI can help identify patterns and trends that inform content personalization.

Dynamic Content Generation: Use AI to dynamically generate content that's tailored to specific audience segments. This can include personalized email newsletters, website content, and social media posts.

A/B Testing: Continuously test personalized content to measure its effectiveness. Adjust your PR strategies based on the results to optimize engagement.

Consent and Privacy: Ensure that you're compliant with data privacy regulations and have proper consent mechanisms in place for data collection and personalization.


  • Balance personalization with user privacy and transparency. Be clear about how data is used and obtain proper consent.

  • Start with simple personalization efforts and gradually increase complexity as you gain insights into what works for your audience.

  • Regularly assess the impact of personalization on your PR efforts and adjust strategies accordingly.

Why AI will never take your job.

Great content and effective strategy require human input. This aspect cannot be emphasized enough.

Generative AI in PR can certainly enhance your PR and marketing work. It can give you access to predictive capabilities, customer engagement, and content personalization. However, it cannot replace the human element needed to check and verify facts, edit for reading level and brand voice, review for ethical considerations, and data privacy throughout these processes.

AI is a tool to augment and improve PR and marketing efforts, not a replacement for human expertise and judgment. That said, while AI might not take your job, someone who makes the effort to understand and master using AI as a tool to improve the quality of their PR and marketing results may well do so.



Philippe Borremans

Crisis Communication, Risk Communication and Emergency Communication Consultant I Simulation Exercise Designer I Certified Trainer I AI for Emergencies I Author


Nice overview Sally!


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