How to Create Personal Brand for Network Marketing and Direct Sales Representatives
Photo credit: Robyn Graham of Robyn Graham Photography, LLC

How to Create Personal Brand for Network Marketing and Direct Sales Representatives

Direct sales and network marketing companies are the all the rage right now. I know many women who have created a beautiful life for them selves by joining such organizations.  The most successful have created personal brands for themselves while using the resources that the company has to offer.  How did they do it? How did they create a personal brand in a direct sales or network marketing company?

For starters, let’s keep in mind that your personal brand is your personality infused into your business.  People want to get to know you and the only way for them to do that is to share who you are with them. Let’s dive in to a few action steps you can take to create a personal brand that stands out, makes an impact and sells without selling.

Steps to Creating a Personal Brand When you are part of a Network Marketing or Direct Sales Company

Be the Face of your Business

You may be working for a large company that provides a lot of resources, but you are still the point of contact for any of the clients you sell to, or any of the people who sign on under you.  When you present yourself using professional photographs people will get to know you, like you and trust you.  The more you put yourself out in front of your audience, the more they will remember you.  When you step out from behind the business and the shadow of corporate content, people begin to trust you more and associate you with the products you are selling.


Attending networking events and getting to know people in your community is a great way to grow a personal brand and be seen as an expert in your product area.  Whether you are in the skin care, health and wellness supplement, fitness, essential oil, home décor, or jewelry industry you can demonstrate the effectiveness of your product by showing up in person.

 Realizing it isn’t always possible to attend networking events in the community because of family commitments and time, you can use social media to network.  There really is no excuse because you can network straight from your sofa or kitchen table.  Show up for your audience and engage with them.  Ask them questions. Get to know them.  Find out what they need help with and be their problem solver.  This can all be done by engaging in your social media feeds, asking questions of your audience having a call to action in each post, using stories with testimonials or examples, and sending direct messages to past and prospective clients. Engage with your audience!


As a network marketer or person in direct sales you have the best scenario for content creation.  Yes, you need to be the face of your brand and have branded photography specific to you, but you also have a plethora of written content available to you from your parent company.  You also have access to professional photographs that your company has for each product they offer.  I suggest you fully take advantage of every piece of content the company shares with you. You can use the pre-created content for blog posts. You can break down the content into multiple social media posts, and you can use the stock photos specifically created for your product to create a fantastic social media feed that looks polished and professional.

Don’t underestimate the content that has already been created for you. Use it and then add your client testimonials and your experiences to it to make it more meaningful.  When you personalize the pre-created content, it becomes your own and is more relatable for your audience. This is how you build an emotional connection with your audience. You infuse your personality into your business.

Your content should provide clarity for what you offer your clients: products and level of service. Content should be consistent so that people learn to trust you. And, your content should be cohesive from your website to social media platforms.


Network marketing and direct sales companies always have a website that you can personalize for your sales page.  Take advantage of it. Add a professional headshot to the page to personalize it.  Use every word available for the bio to include your personal story to grow an emotional connection with your audience.  People buy people not products and services so you want to help them get to know you, like you and trust you.

Your Why

What is your “why”? Why are you involved with this company?  Why do you use this product? Why did you sign up to sell this product? Why do you believe in this product?

Your why is what people want to know most and it is what is ultimately going to help you improve your sales.  When people understand why you are selling to them they will understand why they should buy from you.  Maybe your why is that you lost a relative to cancer and swore to be healthy so that your children never have to lose you to cancer. Maybe it is that your child became ill and you found that essential oils helped them overcome the illness.  What ever your story is, share it. This will create a deep emotional connection with your audience.

If you’d like more information and ideal on how to create a personal brand when being part of a networking marketing or direct sales company, schedule a free 15-minute strategy call with me.  I’d love to guide you through the personal branding process.

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