How to Build a Modern Marketing Framework

How to Build a Modern Marketing Framework

Hey LinkedIn, 

As many of you may know by now, my seventh business book, Day Trading Attention: How to Actually Build Brand and Sales in the New Social Media World, comes out in one week on May 21st. That being said, I’m excited to share a brand new original film that will offer a small glimpse into the premise of the book, and more importantly, into the concept on which I’ve built my entire career.

Tune in here:

I can’t wait to share with you all what I think is the most detailed resource on the topic of modern marketing available, and of course, I’m pumped to hear what you all think. Until then, I want to share just a small preview of what’s to come. 

As always, thank you for reading.

What is “Day Trading Attention” in the Modern Marketing World? 

Before we get into it, this isn’t a book about just social media – it’s a book about mastering the art and science of storytelling in modern underpriced attention channels.  Just as a day trader constantly studies financial markets to keep a pulse on what’s happening, you must constantly study what people are paying attention to, the cost associated with capturing that attention, and how it shifts by the day. 

There are two ways to invest: you can either make long-term bets, go to sleep, and wait for the returns to show up over time, or you can day trade. Marketing used to be like the former – brands would spend months planning out a campaign, execute on traditional channels like television, and bet on the fact that it would work out. Today, marketing is like day trading – if you  are not staying ahead of the curve every day, somebody is outflanking you. That means your strategies need to be far more sophisticated than ever.

This brings me to the following six core variables that I believe you need to win in the 2024 marketing landscape:

Cohort development - Defining who you want to reach

Platforms and Culture (PAC) - The new requirement for your advertising knowledge

Strategic Organic Content (SOC) - What good modern advertising looks like

Amplification - Spending against what works, aka not wasting a penny

Videos people want to watch - Modern commercials

Post-Creative Strategy (PCS) - Listening to actual consumers and gathering insights

In a nutshell, that’s the framework. Define who you want to reach, use platform knowledge and cultural insights to make strategic content, and leverage insights from data and comments to decide what ads to run, and what to build on further with higher-production pieces of content. 

You can learn more in-depth about this framework in Part 3 of Day Trading Attention.

The Merit of the Creative

The amazing thing about marketing in 2024 is that your success is based less on how much money you have to spend on fancy, big budget TV spots, and more on how good you are at social media content creation. It’s all about the merit of the creative. Thanks to what I call the “TikTokification of social media,” the platforms that matter have shifted from the old days of a follower-based algorithm to an interest-based algorithm. What does this mean? It means that, if you’re good enough, you could post a piece of content on an account with no followers tomorrow, and it has the potential to be seen by millions of people. As long as you make modern commercials, aka videos that people actually want to watch, you’ll be able to successfully day trade attention.

With the merit of the creative being key, your success depends on what you put in! For example, you could post a piece of content and get 100 views, then 10,000 on your next piece of content, then back to 300 on the next ten, then up to 500,000 on the following one, etc. Between developing cohorts, making strategic organic content, applying insights about platforms and culture, creating modern-day commercials, learning amplification strategies, and doing post-creative strategy, I have empathy for how it can seem like a lot. 

Do not let this discourage you. The truth is, this is the reality of what it takes to be successful in the modern advertising environment, and I believe, hopefully with the help of Day Trading Attention, everyone reading this is more than capable of rising to the challenge.

Creative Units

Overall, my plea is for you to do social media, not just read about it. Whether you’re a twenty-two-year-old creator trying to build a brand around yourself, whether you’re a fifty-two-year-old owner of a small business in your town, or an executive at a corporation — you have to be the practitioner. The only way to get good at this stuff is to make content, post it, and learn from it.

As you’re playing around with various platforms and taking account of what features and creative units they have, you can reference this broad overview across platforms, at the time of writing:

Of course, some details in the previous chart might still be the same at the time you’re reading this, and some platforms may have added new features and things may have changed. My hope is that you use the prior chart – and all of the information in this book – as a guide on the kinds of things you should be noticing as you’re playing with different platforms and use that knowledge to inform how you make your strategic organic content.  

I hope you enjoyed this tiny taste of what to expect in my upcoming book, and I’d love to know your thoughts! Leave me a comment below with what you’re anticipating from the release.

Visit to pre-order your copy of Day Trading Attention today. To learn more about the book, check out the video below:

  • Watch the premiere of my new original film, “Unlock Social Media Marketing For the Next DECADE.”

  • Pre-order my new book, Day Trading Attention: How to Actually Build Brand and Sales in the New Social Media World. Official release: May 21, 2024!

  • Introducing VeeFriends Character Caps . Sign up here to be notified when the collection drops, Thursday, May 16th at 12PM ET.

  • Unfortunately, I have been alerted to some phishing scams attempting to take advantage of the “GaryVee” and VeeFriends communities. Please, don’t fall for it! Always be careful and pay close attention to the accounts with which you’re engaging. For more on how to protect yourself from NFT scams, check out this blog. For more information on avoiding scams, read here.

  • Listen to WineText TV on Apple Podcast or Spotify.

  • Check out my new video: How To Win At Social Media | Modern Wisdom Podcast

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Patrick MacHill

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It has arrived, thank you Gary!

Robert (Bob) Helstoski

Chief Disorganizer/Problem Solver at Stuff-For-Guys, Inc.


Everyone has to buy Gary Vaynerchuk’s new book 📕 “DAY TRADING ATTENTION “ is coming out tomorrow May 21, 2024!!

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