Farm Management, Agronomy & Accountancy. (Are these three components a compatible tank mix on your farm?)

Farm Management, Agronomy & Accountancy. (Are these three components a compatible tank mix on your farm?)

Having been asked to write another Crop Solutions article I decided to focus on a topic which often causes great turmoil and indecision in the modern producers thought process and that is how to farm profitably whilst still achieving optimum yields and balancing the books.

The answer to this conundrum is yes it is possible. Farm management need not be complicated but actually planned practically to a timescale which matches each individual businesses objectives. Having the ability to take a screen shot of the current status is the most important initial step as this provides a platform to plan from moving forward. From this point surrounding ones self in the most accurate, practical and farm specific research is the next step in the road to continual improvement.

As an agronomist who has had the privilege of dealing with many different farming clients and businesses on a global scale it has given me an insight into how knowledge hungry the majority of growers out there actually are. I count it a fantastic and fulfilling opportunity to be able to sit down with farming families and discuss their road map for the future and how farms are not just about the now but actually the generations to come. The truth is each farmer is only a care taker for the next owner but the pride they often possess to leave such an asset behind is nothing short of amazing. I speak from experience here as I too am the benefactor of a farm which began in the family name over 400 years ago. I currently am the 11th generation to have worked the land there and hope that some day my children will continue on the family name.

As food producers we have an enormous challenge ahead of us if we are to feed a population which is estimated to reach 9 billion by 2050. It obviously depends which way you want to look at the scale of the task, is your glass half full or just half empty?

It is my objective in each article that I write that we as agronomists, farmers and industry stakeholders can take some small nugget of useful information from my thoughts and use it for the benefit of sustainable yet profitable and wholesome food production which is traceable from the field to the fork!

I welcome your thoughts, questions and comments as discussion on a subject which impacts us on a global scale is always worth debating.

Farm Management, Agronomy & Accountancy. (Are these three components a compatible tank-mix on your farm?)

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