Is there enough time in July? 168 hours in a week...

Is there enough time in July? 168 hours in a week...

Welcome to the July edition of #TanaSpeaks with Dr. Tana M. Session. This is a monthly newsletter designed to expand your perspective in the workplace. Don't miss an issue and be sure to +subscribe!

“It takes all the running you can do just to keep in the same place.” ~ Lewis Carroll

Just like that...we've already completed the first half of 2021. The pandemic has proven again and again that time is becoming more precious than ever. We have 168 hours in a week and, despite cutting out commute times and large conference meetings, we are still barely keeping up. But are you BUSY...or PRODUCTIVE?? That's the key question.

We underestimate the amount of time we have available for our work and for ourselves. This manifests itself within employees through burnout, a decline in the quality of work, loss of productivity and a decreasing ability to communicate clearly – just to name a few.

And now, with a tight labor market on every business leader's mind for this Fourth of July holiday weekend, I want to tell you to breathe and relax. I say this to my clients (and I will share this with you) – you need to "slow down in order to speed up (TM)." More and more, organizations - and now the U. S. government - are looking for ways to include diverse backgrounds and perspectives to build stronger teams and spark innovation, all while improving the experience of underrepresented employees. This should be another top priority for business leaders in their search for top qualified talent.

July 26 is Disability Independence Day, celebrating the anniversary of the 1990 signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. In 2020, 17.9% of persons with a disability were employed, down from 19.3% in 2019. As a leader, you'll need to slow down for your employees so they can speed up the innovation.

There is still so much that can be done! Remember, true Inclusion & Belonging exists when we can bring ALL members of the team into the fold while being their true authentic selves. This is the beginning of a psychologically safe workplace for ALL employees. We aren't just talking about the numerous social categories (i.e., gender, race, ethnicity, language, nationality), but the less visible forms of diversity in the workplace as well.

Until next time. Be well...stay safe & healthy!

ICYMI: I'm on LinkedIn Learning

Uncovering Unconscious Bias in Recruiting & Interviewing

By Dr. Tana M. Session | Enroll on LinkedIn Learning

Support Our Mission

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I'm pleased to announce the official launch of my new nonprofit "From Foster Care To Fabulous Foundation." Our mission is to provide financial assistance and other resources to foster parents of children aged newborn to four (4) years old. If you know my story...then you know this is personal and near & dear to my heart. We have partnered with foster care agencies in New York, Los Angeles & Atlanta to help us identify foster parents in need.

Please support our mission by making your first 2021 tax deductible charitable contribution via our website "Donate Today" page. Just click the image or link above to access the donation link now!!! Thank you in advance for your support. 

Preorder Before It's Too Late!

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Working While Black shares the journey of black professional women in Corporate America as they rose through the ranks against all odds and a system stacked against them. Through their stories and prescriptive remedies, readers will develop strategies for career success and have a true call to action.

You can still preorder a copy of my latest book, Working While Black: A Woman's Guide to "Stop Being the Best Kept Secret(R)" on my website. Release date is TBD by the publisher (Q3 2021). 

Team Updates

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Jill joined in June 2020 as an Operations Associate, and quickly became an integral member of the team. In June 2021, she was promoted to Operations Manager, where she will take on increasing operations duties, partnering directly with clients on their DEI strategic plans.

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Kat joined as a Business Development Intern in 2019, and recently joined the team in a full-time capacity. Reporting directly to Jill Ding, Kat will handle calendar and email management, social media outreach and communications and other administrative tasks. She is completing her degree in Biomedical Sciences and is due to graduate October 2021.

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Dana has been a steady force behind the scenes of, providing customized DEI surveys and analysis for clients over the past year. She will continue in her capacity as new clients are onboarded throughout the remainder of the year and current clients prepare for their Year-2 DEI audits, surveys and strategic plan refreshes.

Wonderful article and it needed to be said. Well done and thank you Tana!

Alexander (Bob) Page

President/CEO at Francium Strategies LLC


She is one of the brilliant minds driving change within our Nation and how the US is perceived globally!

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