Enhancing Member Engagement and Retention Through Persuasion Science
By Heather Arias de Cordoba, BoardRoom magazine

Enhancing Member Engagement and Retention Through Persuasion Science

As private clubs continue to pursue innovative ways to increase member usage and retention, the application of persuasion science offers promising solutions. Insights derived from the Behavior Change for Good (BCFG) Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania, co-directed by Professors Katy Milkman and Angela Duckworth, can provide actionable strategies that can be adapted to enhance the member experience at private clubs, ultimately fostering longer member retention.

Understanding Persuasion Science

The BCFG Initiative leverages large-scale field experiments to identify effective behavioral interventions. The research highlights several strategies that can be directly applied to the private club industry to promote consistent member engagement and a sense of belonging.

Increasing Member Usage

One of the key findings from the BCFG Initiative is the power of micro-incentives to encourage desired behaviors. For instance, the offering of small rewards for frequent visits can significantly increase gym attendance. Likewise, clubs can implement similar micro-incentives to boost facility usage. By providing small luxury rewards, such as complimentary beverages, spa treatments, or exclusive event access, clubs can motivate members to visit more often.

Examples of Luxury-Oriented Micro-Incentives:

  • Complimentary Beverages: Offer a free specialty cocktail, glass of wine, or premium coffee for members who attend a certain number of events or activities each month.

  • Spa Treatments: Provide vouchers for mini spa treatments, such as a 15-minute massage or a facial, to members who frequently use club facilities.

  • Dining Experiences: Reward members with a complimentary dessert or appetizer at the club's restaurant for their consistent participation in club activities.

  • Exclusive Event Access: Offer invitations to VIP events, such as wine tastings or private dinners, for members who regularly engage with the club.

  • Personalized Services: Provide complimentary services, such as a session with a personal trainer or a one-on-one tennis lesson, to members who frequently utilize the club's fitness facilities.

  • Preferred Parking: Offer reserved parking spots close to the clubhouse for members who attend a specific number of events or activities within a set period.

  • Club Merchandise: Give away branded club merchandise, such as high-quality golf balls, apparel, or accessories, to members who regularly participate in club events.

Enhancing the Member Experience

The member experience is crucial in fostering a sense of community and loyalty. The BCFG research emphasizes the importance of creating positive micro-interactions. These small but meaningful interactions can significantly impact members' perceptions of their club.

One practical application is the introduction of "temptation bundling," a concept where enjoyable activities are paired with routine tasks. For instance, clubs can offer popular amenities, such as spa services or exclusive dining experiences, as part of a package with less inherently appealing activities like fitness assessments or membership meetings. This bundling can make the overall experience more enjoyable and encourage members to participate in a broader range of club offerings.

Building a Home Away from Home

Creating a welcoming environment where members feel at home is essential for retention. The BCFG Initiative highlights the importance of social proof and normative feedback—informing members about the positive behaviors of their peers. Clubs can implement this by showcasing stories of active members, sharing testimonials, and highlighting high participation rates in club activities. This approach leverages the psychological principle that people are more likely to engage in behaviors that they perceive as common or socially endorsed. Thus, fostering a culture of recognition can enhance member satisfaction. Recognizing and celebrating member achievements, whether through public acknowledgments or personalized messages, can strengthen the emotional connection members have with the club.

Member Spotlights

  • Feature a "Member of the Month" on the club’s website, newsletter, and social media channels. Share their stories, achievements, and favorite club activities. Include quotes and photos to personalize the spotlight.

  • Create short video interviews with members discussing their experiences and what they love about the club. These can be shared on social media and during club events.

Testimonial Walls and Reader Boards

  • Dedicate a section of the club's website to member testimonials. Include diverse voices from different membership categories (e.g., young professionals, retirees, families).

  • Display physical testimonial walls within the club’s premises, such as in the lobby or near the Pro Shop. Include written testimonials alongside members' photos.

High Participation Rates

  • Regularly update members on participation rates for club activities and events. For example, in the monthly newsletter, highlight the number of participants in the latest golf tournament or fitness class.

  • Use infographics to represent high participation rates and engagement statistics visually. Share these on social media, in email campaigns, and on bulletin boards around the club.

Event Recaps

  • After significant events, post recaps that include photos, videos, and quotes from attendees. Highlight the turnout and key moments from the event. This can be done on the club's website, social media, reader boards, posters, and email newsletters.

  • Create a "Hall of Fame" for recurring events, showcasing top performers and consistent participants over the years. This could be displayed both online and in a prominent location within the club.

Peer Recommendations

  • Encourage members to recommend club activities to their peers. For instance, include a section in the newsletter where members share their favorite classes, events, or facilities with the headline "What Our Members Love."

  • Use social media platforms to create interactive posts where members can comment on their experiences and recommend activities to others.

Engagement Campaigns

  • Run campaigns that encourage members to share their stories and testimonials. Offer small incentives for participation, such as a chance to win a club merchandise item or a complimentary service.

  • Feature a "Behind the Scenes" series where staff and members share insights into the preparation and success of club events and activities. This creates a sense of involvement and pride among members.


Practical Steps for Clubs

  • Micro-Incentives: Implement luxury-oriented rewards for frequent usage and event participation.

  • Personalized Reminders: Use text messages and emails to remind members of upcoming events and reservations.

  • Temptation Bundling: Pair enjoyable activities with routine tasks to enhance the overall experience.

  • Social Proof: Share stories and testimonials of active members to encourage participation.

  • Recognition Culture: Celebrate member achievements to strengthen emotional connections.

By applying the principles of persuasion science, private clubs can create an environment that not only attracts but retains members. These strategies, grounded in rigorous research, offer practical ways to enhance the member experience, making the club a true home away from home. Embracing these insights can lead to higher member satisfaction, increased usage, and ultimately, longer retention, ensuring the club's success well into the future.

These recommendations are based on the insights and findings from the Behavior Change for Good Initiative's extensive research into behavioral interventions and their applications and adapted to how these principles can apply to the private club industry.


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