DYK CCPA: California Consumer Privacy Act

DYK CCPA: California Consumer Privacy Act

The internet is abuzz with CCPA, the California Consumer Privacy Act. This act is paving the way for similar efforts that are likely to be adopted by the rest of the USA.

We the people are understandably concerned with how our personal information is used by the companies, organization and digital platforms we utilize. As the ability to know and see all that we do and access our personal information becomes easier, we are demanding that these various entities step up and prove that they are protecting our privacy and information.

CCPA may feel like GDPR, but there are some distinct differences. For example, the GDPR applies to businesses of all sizes and locations that process European citizens’ data. The CCPA applies to California-based businesses only – and only to those businesses with revenue of $25 million or greater, or if the primary practice of the business is the sale of personal information. There are also differences in the fines incurred as a result of a violation of the act.

There are also some similarities. Both CCPA and GDPR allow consumers the right to have their information deleted on demand, meaning that it must be as simple as clicking a visible link provided on the company’s website. Also, both require that data be encrypted.

Though CCPA is not as extensive as GDPR, it is an important first step toward consumer information and protection in the US, and it is something to keep an eye on. Though it may not affect you or your organization now, it is a likely trend that should be expected to show up in additional states soon.

To better understand if your business must comply with CCPA, IBM has provided a great deal of information, including a webcast and ebook, on the subject.

For those that utilize Google’s digital advertising platforms, find information about CCPA and Google, here. For those using Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, check out this article by CNET.

For any entity collecting personal information, we as consumers should have the right to know from what sources the information was collected, the purpose for collecting/selling our information, which, if any, third parties have access to the information and what specific pieces of information they have collected. The CCPA is a great first step!

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