Do You Feel It's Time To Make A Fresh New Start?
Jack Kelly Publishing

Do You Feel It's Time To Make A Fresh New Start?

When I was a kid growing-up in Canarsie Brooklyn, way before it was cool, expensive and upper class, my friends and I played stop-motion football in the streets. This was a little less dangerous than tackle football, as it would have literally been murder on the hard asphalt streets and sidelines of parked cars, but more physical contact than two-hand touch. 

Invariably, there would be a play, such as the quarterback throwing an amazing 40-yard pass (although we would measure by car or house lengths), only to be interrupted by a car speeding down the block, the driver honking his horn and cursing at us to get out of the streets. It was part of the game; we would call a “do-over” and start the play all over again.

Reinventing who you are and starting over again is a gift to give yourself. If you feel stuck in a rut, it's time for a psychology renewal. This means focusing on starting over and building towards becomming the person you always aspired to be.

Unfortunately, most people ruminate about all their past failures, losses, and bad breaks in life. They fall into a funk and remain there. You need to be different. Make a change in how you view yourself and what's happening in your life. Take time to reflect on your greatest achievements, instead of focusing on the bad stuff.

By blocking out the negativeity and taking stock of your wins, it will give you a sense of pride, renewed drive, and motivation. Think deeply about what you are most grateful for at the present moment. Practicing gratitude for all you have in your life will shift your focus to the wonderful aspects of your life.

On a regular basis, conduct self-reflection and set positive goals for the future. Consider what are you lofty aspirations and goals, and then go after them. Imagine how awesome you life can be in five years if you start focusing on what you want to achieve right now.

Thinking, wishing and hoping isn't enough. Develop a plan for action and execution. Incorporate the insights gained from your reflections. This can help you stay focused and motivated as you work towards your goals.

Set positive intentions, focusing on joy, happiness, pleasure, and personal growth. By doing this, you will approach life with a sense of optimism.

Give yourself some grace. Think of your personal growth as continual improvement rather than a one-shot redemption. Change often happens gradually through daily effort. It is not an overnight transformation, so don’t get frustrated if you experience difficulties and don't succeed right away.

When you run into obstacles—which always happens to everyone— evaluate your current circumstances and make adjustments. Assess where momentum was lost and identify needs for course correction. When things turn somewhat sour, be strong and avoid falling victim to self-criticism. Your focus should remain future-oriented, and forgeting the past. Keep moving forward and never give up hope for a better life.

Julie Priddle

Expanding roles in oncology


Inspiring for sure. With the 3-5 months it takes to find a great role, looking at reinvention at the same time may be a great path to take over stressing and negative emotions about the past.

Susan Shwartz, PhD

Financial writer and SF novelist RET.


These are, as always, good points. The thing is that reinventing yourself and starting over are difficult, both in the work you have to do to get from old self to new self, which takes courage, imagination, creativity and endurance, to dealing with people who want you precisely where you are so you remain lesser than you might have been. “Just like that?” I ask people. If they think it’s easy, I move in the direction of away because next thing, they’ll berate you for not having obeyed their neatsy glib advice. Important note: Jack Kelly is thoughtful, empathetic and positive!

Read 'Thriving in Chaos' yesterday. Clear and timely information written in a tone that made me feel as though I had just finished a great conversation with a colleague. Two thumbs up!

Nancy Miles

Accomplished Writer-Helping Companies with their marketing/advertising needs.


People need to love themselves. I know people who don't even like themselves. I have asked people if you were at a party, would you spend time communicating with someone similar to you? If the answer is no, then you can see why you may need to look at life differently and yourself.

Guidette P Laracuente Sánchez CRCM, CGSS, CAMS, CRMP

Legal and Compliance PM. SME on Sanctions, BSA/AML and Financial Crimes- CRCM, CGSS, ACAMS, ISCO, CAFP, CRMP. Project Management, Advisory, IT Systems integration, Operational Risk Management.


Thank you so very much for this article. If you wrote it in order to reach and touch at least “one person”, you accomplished your goal.

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