Deeper: The Power of A Meaningful Life
First of all, I want to say welcome to the third quarter of 2023! Can you believe that we are halfway through 2023 already? Hopefully, you have taken some time to review your goals, assess your plans and make some adjustments for greater effectiveness. Personally, the second quarter was amazing for me filled with growth, big wins, breakthrough moments and unprecedented opportunities. The second quarter was life changing and I am using that momentum to produce even greater results in the second half of 2023. Life is meant to be an exciting adventure and an epic page turner. In other words, you were made to live a deeper life. I hope these insights will inspire you to move out of the shallow waters and dare to launch out into the deep where life truly begins!
- You must be clear about what you want in life. As I said, the first six months of 2023 were nothing short of amazing for me. This year has been interesting as I have been forced out of my comfort zone in so many different areas. However, the growth that is taking place in my life is priceless. I believe that the reason I am experiencing such radical change in my life is because I have become crystal clear about what I want in life. More importantly, I have also become crystal clear about what I do not want in my life. As a result, it has brought greater alignment into my life and attracted my greatest desires. What I know to be true is that the lack of clarity can be a major life constrictor. Also, I have discovered that it is impossible to create the life that you want as long as you are not clear about what you really want. The more clarity I have the more empowered I am to create the reality that I want to see. So spend some time getting clear about what you really want. You cannot attract the pieces necessary to manifest your vision as long as you remain vague.
- You must decide to live a deeper life. On my podcast, I have been in the middle of a powerful series called Launch: Daring to Pursue A Deeper Life. After the first episode of the series, I received amazing feedback from people all over the world. So many people stated that this is exactly the series that they needed at this point in their lives. Ultimately, I believe that every human being on this planet desires a deeper life. The problem is that most people never decide to live a deeper life. Why is that? First of all, I think that most people do not understand the power of choice. Every choice is constructing a cycle and defining your reality. It is also important to note that your inability to make a decision is deciding your future for you. Therefore, you must be committed to making empowered decisions. This goes back to my first point about getting clear about what you want. Clarity empowers you to make destiny-affirming choices. I want to challenge you for a moment. Decide that you want a deeper life. Decide that more is available to you. Most of all, decide that a deeper life is possible. Your life will always be a demonstration of what you have decided.
- You must leave the shallow waters. In my journey to success, I have discovered that most people settle for a shallow life. Personally, I have never liked shallow places and I have always endeavored to be a person of substance. This decision has repelled some relationships from my life and attracted more meaningful relationships into my life. I know for sure that you cannot create a successful life from shallow waters. In other words, mediocrity will never result in mastery. The shallow waters keep you safe and comfortable. On the other hand, the shallow waters will never lead to a memorable or masterful life. Shallow places do not require much effort and is easily maintained. However, that is not the kind of life that I wanted to live. I wanted to shake things up. I wanted to create work that resonates deeply with people all over the world. It's time for you to leave the safety of shallow waters. Deep in your heart you know that there is more and that you can never be satisfied with mediocrity. You can decide at any moment to leave the shallow waters, raise your standards and create the life of your dreams. You do not grow in comfortable places and you do not develop in shallow places.
- You must dare to launch out into the deep. If I had to choose a word to describe the first half of 2023 for me, then I would use the word courage. I have been forced out of my comfort zone and I have been challenged to take big leaps in my life. While it was a bit unsettling and uncomfortable, it was one of the greatest decisions I ever made. Why do I say that? First of all, I learned that we only discover significance in life when we move beyond the shore. Also, I learned that our lives will never expand without pressure. Furthermore, I have come to the conclusion that launching out into the deep is how you live at the next dimension. People have been watching as I have made the shift in my life. They are aware that I am not the same person that I was seven months ago. I have grown, matured and evolved into a greater version of myself. My courage to launch out into the deep has revealed strength that I never knew I had. In addition, I have discovered new possibilities and attracted new opportunities into my world. You have everything to gain by launching out into the deep and everything to lose by playing small. You do not benefit the world by playing small. You only benefit the world when you dare to play a bigger game. When you dare to launch out into the deep, you launch into a life with no limits and boundaries.