Cortisol & Stress Management and how to hack it!

Cortisol & Stress Management and how to hack it!

Everyone who is somehow into health & wellness seems to talk about one thing at the moment: CORTISOL! But what is it and why is it stressing people out so much (no pun intended)?

Cortisol is known as the stress-hormone because it is released in response to stressors in life. It actually keeps us alive and supports us to cope with stress by increasing energy availability and regulating immune responses. When our body has too much cortisol, it triggers us into a “flight or fight” situation, and whilst this is incredibly helpful if an emergency situation arises, the problem is that most women are living in this state constantly. Think of a deer, grassing peacefully along in the wild forest – if a predator arrives, the deer RUNS - it is the flight reaction which saves its life. However, rather destructive would be, if the deer lives in this state all the time!

So, what can busy women do on already hectic days – for sure we hardly have time to add extra tasks, rights? Truth be told, it really comes down to the small habits, how we prioritize ourselves and to what we give our energy!

Et voilà - some carefully curated ‘hacks’ out of personal experience which you can start incorporating now, even while already having a busy daily routine.

(disclaimer: Do NOT incorporate them all at once because we don’t want to cause more stress by adding more stress factors 😉):

1. Sleep! Yes, you hear it all the time but cannot get yourself to prioritize sleep because you actually need MORE hours per day to be productive, not less! But making it a priority to slow down an hour before bedtime can actually improve your overall quality of sleep which makes you feel more energized the next day. Us women need to aim for 7-8 hours minimum of sleep to be able to perform at our best. When your body and mind are rested, do you realize how you see things very differently than when you feel depleted and fatigued? We feel more open, and our mind seems more flexible and adaptive to daily challenges – our tolerance is higher which makes us more expansive.

Busy hacks for better sleep: Nice warm bath, no artificial lights, turning off screens at least an hour before bedtime!

2. Nourishment! Food is fuel! And we could write a whole other article about the importance of nutrition, but we can’t entirely exclude it from here either. It is crucial to replenish your body with all nutrients before a busy day, during a busy day and after a busy day! Depriving your body of food while being under stress, can cause more stress on your body, may lead to brain fog, fatigue and even over-eating AFTER the busy day.

Small hacks for a hectic day ahead: Don’t skip breakfast – have a protein rich, savory meal which keeps you full for long. Lunch: Choose a lighter option (low on carbs) to keep your energy stable during the afternoon, dinner: Include protein, fiber and healthy carbs to replenish your hard-working body.

Also important: Have the cookie or small dessert! Don’t deprive yourself if you want to give yourself a little treat after a hard day – by fighting the craving, you potentially stag your desire which could lead the next day to over-eating of that very thing you really felt like eating the day before. Nourishment also includes hydration: Make it a habit to always have a glass of water next to you – set hourly hydration reminders!

3. Take a breath! When we are stressed, it can interrupt the way we breath, it becomes more shallow which can activate the sympathetic nervous system and with that elevate the heart rate. Without making it too complicated (because there is a whole science behind it), controlled breathing has great impact on the activation of the relaxation response and improved emotional regulation.

Breath-work hacks on busy days: Take a minute (that’s all it takes to make a difference) and focus on your breath. Try inhaling deeply through your nose for 3 seconds and exhale longer for 5-6 seconds. Key is to try keeping the rhythm of each breath and extend the exhale. Doing this 6 times = already one minute! Enjoy the little breather and observe your shift in energy afterwards!

4. Meditation seems such a buzz word, right? Feels like everyone does it, but also seems like nobody does it. Feeling overwhelmed? Let’s keep it simple: For starters, regular meditation is proven to enhance the brain’s ability to deal with stress, as well as improves emotional regulation – let’s face it, that’s important for us women 😉

By incorporating meditation in your daily routine, you may also observe improved sleep quality and less emotional eating. Whoohooo! So where to start? By having the right expectations!

No, meditation will not quieten your thoughts instantly, it might even make you feel uncomfortable at the beginning. It’s important to set realistic goals. Try doing it for 2 minutes but be consistent and slowly increase it to 5 minutes. If you can do 5 minutes every day for a month? Amazing.

Hack for us busy women: Don’t overthink it, make yourself comfortable, don’t stress on the right posture, doing it right or wrong etc. Just choose a relaxing place away from the noise, sit at ease and observe your breath. You can use the breathing technique of #3 or choose a guided meditation on YouTube or even just put a sound on your phone which includes rainfall, then focus on it for 2 minutes. This really is all it takes at the beginning, important is not to overthink it and to be kind and compassionate to yourself and your practice. By time, you might observe a shift of how you feel and experience possibly more clarity and calmness throughout your day. Enjoy the process!

5. Coming to the less talked about stress factor! While we are constantly in touch digitally, genuine and meaningful connections are becoming harder, which often leads to the feeling of isolation. Loneliness can cause stress in terms of increased self-reliance, anxiety and lack of emotional support. Community creates a sense of belonging and therefore plays a crucial role in removing stress out of our life. As a busy woman, does it take work to make meaningful connections? It sure does. At a certain age, true friendships don’t come easy.

Hacks to keep connections with the people who are important to you: Combine outings! Don’t want to meet for dinner/drinks after work? Go for a walk together where you get your steps in at the same time or meet friends during office hours for lunch, so you don’t have the feeling your family misses out on you in the evening. It sure takes some creativity, but it’s possible and so worth it.

6. No brainer that exercise is on the list but what kind? Newsflash: Cardio and high intensity workouts might only cause more stress on your body (if you are already stressed)!

In order to balance out stress, better to opt for low impact exercise such as Yin or Hatha Yoga, Pilates or walking. Especially before your period, high intensity workouts can even be counterproductive by causing more stress on your body and even cause weight gain.

Workout hacks: Consider micro-workouts! Exercise is crucial for endorphins production (your brain’s happiness chemicals), therefore incorporating short workouts have tremendous impact on overall wellbeing. Try 10-12 minutes exercises per day (again, YouTube has some great options) and try to stay consistent for at least 4 times per week. 12 minutes you can do!

Another great hack ins walking! Just 15 minutes walks after meals help balancing your blood sugar – walking meetings are great! Instead of meeting your colleague in a board room, why not do a “walking meeting” or park your car a bit further away from the office to get more steps in. Again, it’s the small things 😉

7. Nature! Did you know that just by looking at water, you can lower your stress levels? Whether it’s crashing ocean waves or a quiet pond, gazing at bodies of water can help lowering the heart rate, blood pressure and may increase feelings of relaxation. Forest bathing also has become a thing over the last few years – the aesthetic appeal of greenery alone has a calming effect on the mind, it can evoke positive emotions and reduce feelings of tensions and worry. Not to mention that Vitamin D from sunlight is critical for your mental energy. Now, spending an hour every day in the mountains or by the sea, is not very realistic, is it? But hacks we can try incorporating is spending the weekends as much as possible outdoors, in the garden, on a walk or even a small park in the city. Again, try to optimize activities – such as walking with a friend or family – which fosters your sense of community but also gets your body moving. Or a picnic - in which you can involve healthy, nourishing food. Still try to schedule short nature breaks during the day under the week – even just one and optimize it. May it be 5 minutes outdoors and during that time, just observe the beauty around you, or focus on the birds tweeting. This multi-sensory experience really has the ability to promote relaxation fast and makes you more energized for the rest of the day.

Key takeaway is really to recognize the value of small things but doing them consistently. Try incorporating one of the above hacks for one week and add another one the week after. It really comes down to self-empowerment, making choices which prioritize your overall mental wellbeing, your growth as a woman and your physical health and happiness.

Amira Alsaeg

Regional Training Manager at MESSIKA PARIS


A great article which made me reflect “what do I do to tackle stress in my life?” I love the suggestions and my take away will be - better sleep, nourish my body and breathing 🙏🏼❤️


Multi-brand Marketer || FDI Trade & Investment Adviser|| Commodity Broker || Thought Leader || Author || Agricultural 🌱🌾 Advocate ⚖️|| Empowering Growth through Investment 💰, Marketing📈, and Advocacy ⚖️


A article in due season 🥰.... Thank you for sharing Leading HER Way

Sandy Donnelly

Health Retreats, Solo Travel| Global Employee Wellbeing| Board Member IIBN | Founder Women Warriors Network


Very helpful Miriam thank you. I particularly love looking at water, the ocean. 🙏


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