Check Out Our New Get A Quote Form

Check Out Our New Get A Quote Form

Did you know ALIGNED Insurance receives 400-600 commercial/business insurance quote requests a month and adds 10-20 new clients per week?!

Out of appreciation for all the support, interest, clicks and quote requests we receive daily, we wanted to give thanks and reciprocate by delivering a better experience for those needing or wanting a commercial or business insurance quote!!

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Whether you are a client, a future client, just shopping around...or if you work at an insurance company, MGA, insuretech or fintech...check out our new get a quote experience, built for everyone...powered by ALIGNED business insurance experts...and Salesforce!!!


Andrew Clark, MBA, CAIB, RF, FCIP, RPLU

President & CEO, ALIGNED Insurance

Connect on LinkedinLive Chat message on our homepage, send me an email or contact any of us. Please also visit us at on Twitter and Linkedin

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Get Your Business Risks Covered

 Do you run a small business, are self-employed, or lead a team in Ontario, Alberta, or British Columbia? You need coverage to protect yourself, your team and your assets. Click to see a brief overview of some of the most common types of Canadian business insurance.

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Get Your Business Risks Covered

Do you run a small business, are self-employed, or lead a team in Ontario, Alberta, or British Columbia? You need coverage to protect yourself, your team and your assets. Click to see a brief overview of some of the most common types of Canadian business insurance.

Learn More

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